Sponsored by the National Science Foundation Behind the Scenes of GENI Experimentation featuring Named Data Networking
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 In Part 1 You Learnt… To run a simple experiment –Logging into the Portal –Using a tool such as Jacks or jFed to reserve resources –Logging into resources –Manually installing software in resources Control interface vs. data interfaces jFed Jacks
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 In Part 2 You will Learn… What happens behind the scenes when you run an experiment on GENI New concepts: –GENI Resource Specifications (RSpecs) –GENI Aggregate Manager API (GENI AM API)
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Tutorial Objectives By the end of this tutorial you should: –Feel comfortable running experiments on GENI –Have a basic understanding of how GENI works Later exercises may skip some of the basic steps in this tutorial to focus on new material –You may be given an RSpec to use rather than have you create one –You may use slices that have already been created and resources added to them For a description of the GENI concepts covered, see:
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 GENI Resource Specifications (RSpecs) RSpecs are XML documents that describe resources –VMs, links, etc. RSpec for a virtual machine with one interface:
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 RSpecs RSpec documents are exchanged by experimenter tools (e.g. Flack) and aggregates –Aggregates use RSpecs to describe what they have – Advertisement RSpecs –Experimenters use RSpecs to describe the resources they want – Request RSpecs –Aggregates use RSpecs to describe the resources allocated to an experimenter – Manifest RSpecs
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 The GENI AM API Experimenter tools and aggregates talk to each other using the GENI Aggregate Manager API (GENI AM API) Aggregate Manager Experimenter Tool ListResources(…) Advertisement RSpec CreateSliver(Request RSpec, …) Manifest RSpec ListResources(SliceName, …) Manifest RSpec What do you have? I have … I would like … You have … What do I have? You have …
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 8 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Putting it all Together… When you drag and drop resources on to the Jacks/jFed canvas, a request RSpecs for these resources is created –To view the request RSpec… When you click Add Resources/Run, createSliver is called on the aggregates I would like … jFed Jacks
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 9 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Putting it all Together… Tool periodically calls sliverStatus on the aggregates to check on the status of your request When sliverStatus shows: –Resources are ready to use, when they turn green jFed Jacks
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 10 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Putting it all Together… ListResources with a slice name returns a manifest RSpec Manifest includes names and ports used to ssh into VMs –Tool uses this information to help you log into your resources What do I have? You have … jFed
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 11 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Putting it all Together… When you delete resources, tool calls deleteSliver on aggregates
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 12 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Hands-On Exercise* Reinforce new concepts using a Named Data Networking (NDN) based experiment* –New concepts: RSpecs and AM API Named Data Networking (NDN) –A Future Internet Architecture (FIA) project** * Based on a classroom exercise developed by Sonia Fahmy, Ethan Blanton & Sriharsha Gangam of Purdue U.; Christos Papadopoulos & Susmit Shannigrahi of Colorado State U. **
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 13 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Named Data Networking … also known as Content Centric Networking PRINCIPLE Focus on what you need; not on where you find it TODAY Must know the location of information (aka URL) –Search engines map the what to the where –Most Internet information look-ups start with search engines CCN (NDN) New network architecture reflects Internet usage CCN protocols cache data at all network levels –routers, hosts
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 14 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 CCNX An implementation of NDN by Xerox PARC Our exercise uses CCNX software –Software runs on all nodes in our experiment –All nodes cache information that passes through them –When a node gets a data request it: Returns data from local cache, if available Passes request to neighbor if data not in cache Caches data returned by neighbor
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 15 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Our Experiment Data Source (dsrc1): Holds precipitation data from 1 Jan 1901 to 31 Jan 1902 (data from NOAA) Intermediate node (router). Requests not in local cache forwarded to data source. Researcher (rschr) fetches precipitation data by name (e.g. precip data from 1901/01/01 to 1901/01/02). Requests not in local cache forwarded to router. Collaborator (collab) also fetches data by name. Requests not in local cache forwarded to researcher.
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 16 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Experiment Setup Data Source (dsrc1): Holds precipitation data from 1 Jan 1901 to 31 Jan 1902 (data from NOAA) Intermediate node (router). Requests not in local cache forwarded to data source. Researcher (rschr) fetches data by name (e.g. precip data from 1901/01/01 to 1901/01/02). Requests not in cache forwarded to router. Collaborator (collab) fetches data by name. Requests not in cache forwarded to researcher.
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 17 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Experiment Execution Log into the researcher node (rsrchr) and fetch data –Use a client program already installed on the node Installed using an install script in the RSpec Note how long it takes to get data Fetch same data again and note time If time permits –Repeat the above at the collaborator node (collab) Data is not in local cache but in rsrchr node cache –Fetch new data at the collaborator node (collab) Data is not in local cache or in rsrchr node cache Optional: Use GENI Desktop/GEMINI to view graphs of traffic on links –Helps visualize when data comes from a local cache and when it comes from a neighbor
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 18 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 The Exercise Load an RSpec into Flack –Instead of drawing the topology ourselves (saves time) Edit the RSpec using Flack but don’t “submit” Save the request RSpec generated by Flack into a file Make GENI AM API calls to send the request RSpec, check status of resources, etc. –Use the Omni experimenter tool Run a CCN application (Optional) Visualize the experiment using the GENI Desktop and GEMINI instrumentation tool
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 19 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Omni: Resource Reservation tool A command line experimenter tool Useful for making AM API calls on aggregates Written in and scriptable from Python Works with aggregates that implement the GENI AM API –InstaGENI and ExoGENI racks, ProtoGENI, PlanetLab, FOAM (OpenFlow AM) $ omni.py createsliver aliceslice myRSpec.xml INFO:omni:Loading config file omni_config INFO:omni:Using control framework pgeni INFO:omni:Slice urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni.gpolab. expires within 1 day on INFO:omni:Creating sliver(s) from rspec file INFO:omni:Writing result of createsliver for INFO:omni:Writing to ‘aliceslice-manifest-rspe INFO:omni: INFO:omni: Completed createsliver: Options as run: aggregate: framework: pgeni native: True Args: createsliver aliceslice myRSpec.xml Result Summary: Slice urn:publicid:IDN+pgeni Reserved resources on Saved createsliver results to aliceslice-man INFO:omni: ===================================
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 20 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Omni Command Workflow createslicelistmyslicesgetversionrenewslicecreatesliverlistresourcessliverstatusdeletesliver Repeat for each aggregate Repeat for each aggregate Create Slice Create Sliver Cleanup Legend: AM API command
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 21 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 GENI AM API Calls Used listresources: Get an advertisement rspec listing the resources at an aggregate createsliver: Request resources from an aggregate sliverstatus: Get status of resources allocated to a slice at an aggregate deletesliver: Delete resources allocated to a slice by an aggregate For a complete list of GENI AM API calls see:
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 22 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Corresponding Omni Commands omni –a aggregatename listresources omni –a aggregatename createsliver slicename requestRSpec omni –a aggregatename sliverstatus slicename omni –a aggregatename listresources slicename omni –a aggregatename deletesliver slicename A useful utility (distributed with Omni): readyToLogin –a aggregatename slicename –Gives you the ssh commands you need to log into your nodes readyToLogin.py parses the output of listresources and sliverstatus to determine the hostname, port and username for the ssh commands
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 23 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Tutorial Structure Configure Omni (Step 2.2 of instructions) View and edit an RSpec using Flack (Steps 3.2 – 3.5) Request resources specified in RSpec using Omni (Step 3.6) When resources are ready, log into a node to run the CCN application (Step 5) (Optional) Visualize the experiment using the GENI Desktop and GEMINI –GENI Instrumentation and Measurement system –Tutorial on GENI Desktop/GEMINI 1.30pm
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 24 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Tutorial Tips Cut-and-paste is your friend! –Cut-and-paste URLs, commands, etc. from instructions into text boxes, terminal windows, etc If at any step you don’t understand why you are doing something, ask! If you fall behind, let us know! –We will help you catch up
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 25 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 CONFIGURE OMNI Step 2.2
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 26 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Configuring Omni Omni reads a configuration file omni_config to: –Find locations of ssl certs and ssh key files ssl certs are used to secure communication between Omni and the aggregates ssh key pairs are used log into compute resources –Find standard nicknames for aggregates e.g. you can refer to the InstaGENI rack at NYSERNet as nysernet-ig instead of
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 27 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Creating an Omni Config File 1.Download the GENI bundle from the GENI Portal $ omni-configure 2. Run omni-configure in a terminal window
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 28 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 VIEW AND EDIT RSPEC Steps 3.2 – 3.5
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 29 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Tips Remember cut-and-paste! Errors in URLs or other text boxes will cause your experiment to fail For this exercise, do not use Flack to submit your RSpec
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 30 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 REQUEST RESOURCES Step 3.6
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 31 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Tips Successful return from Omni createsliver means your RSpec was submitted to the AM It does not mean: –The RSpec was correct –The resources are available Use readyToLogin to monitor your resources –Wait until the status turns to “ready” before using
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 32 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 RUN THE CCN APPLICATION Step 5
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 33 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Tip Cut-and-paste ssh command from readyToLogin into a terminal to log into the rsrchr node. Example: $ ssh -p i /Users/vthomas/.ssh/geni_key_portal
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 34 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 VISUALIZE EXPERIMENT Optional
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 35 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 FINISH Step 7
Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 36 Understanding the AM API –October 20, 2014 Finish Don’t Delete YET!!! We will clean up after Part 3