# 48 03 15 Red Green Blue Digital Color RGB to HEX
Color Pixels Each pixel composed red, green and blue phosphers with black mask. Each channel of the RGB has brightness levels between 0 to 255. Total number of possible colors is 256*256*256 = 16,777,216 The human eye blends RGB pixels into range of other colors depending on the light.
Color Saturation Color Saturation is how bright or dull the color is Color Saturation on the computer is controlled by the intensity of the electrons firing in the RGB filters. High intensity means more light coming through the color phosphers which makes the screen color brighter Lower intensity means less light coming through the color phosphers which makes the screen color duller.
The Way it Works All phosphors without electrons firing gives black color All phosphors with full electron intensity gives white All phosphors equal amount electrons at lower intensity gives gray Pixel
The Way it Works All red phosphors gives red color at high intensity All green phosphors at high intensity gives green All blue phosphors at high intensity gives blue Pixel
The Way it Works Pixel Green & red at high intensity display yellow Green & blue at high intensity display cyan Blue & red at high intensity display magenta Pixel
Different brightness level RGB combos create different pixel colors The Way it Works Different brightness level RGB combos create different pixel colors Green at lower intensity & red at higher intensity can create orange Green at lower intensity & red at higher & blue at higher intensity can create pink Green at higher intensity, blue at higher intensity & red at lower intensity can create light blue Pixel
Decimal System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Based on human anatomy (fingers & toes) - base of 10 Any number combo can be made by adding on another number
Hexadecimal Color System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F Base 16 number system Last 6 numbers represented by letters
RGB is in decimal form – Web color in hexadecimal form Decimal - Hexadecimal RGB is in decimal form – Web color in hexadecimal form 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 A B C D E F 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F Decimal Hexadecimal Decimal Hexadecimal 0 is the first number of both systems 0=00 255=FF
RGB to Hex Brightness levels of pixels - 0 to 255 (RGB) In web, Hex color system describes the color levels of the pixel 00=0, FF=255
RGB Neutral Colors in Hex Code form How it Works = 00 00 00 = FF FF FF = 99 99 99 RGB Neutral Colors in Hex Code form Pixel
RGB Primary Colors in Hex Code form How it Works = FF 00 00 = 00 FF 00 = 00 00 FF RGB Primary Colors in Hex Code form Pixel
RGB Secondary Colors in Hex Code form How it Works = FF FF 00 = 00 FF FF = FF 00 FF RGB Secondary Colors in Hex Code form Pixel
Hex Color Manipulation Hex code shorthand - #369 also means #336699 When number pairs are farther apart, color changes significantly in saturation - #376696 When the numbers are closer together – color results are more neutral in brightness tone - #373046
Examples of wide number spread in the pairs #376696 #663796 #669637 Examples of narrow number spread in the pairs #303846 #383046 #304638