Colorado Rural Electric Association Presentation Colorado Division of Emergency Management Mitigation & Recovery Section July 2009 April 2001 Photo by Bill Cordova, COEM
The Colorado Division of Emergency Management (CDEM) is responsible for the state's comprehensive emergency management program which supports local and state agencies both pre- and post- disaster.
Activities and services cover the four phases of emergency management: Preparedness, Mitigation/Prevention, Response, and Recovery.
We are currently organized into 4 teams: Mitigation & Recovery Plans & Logistics Operations & Field Services Finance & Administration Assist with mitigation and recovery planning Work with communities, special districts, & others on developing mitigation projects Manage grants for construction and non-construction projects, pre- and post-disaster Conduct public information and awareness campaigns and trainings Update the state hazard mitigation and recovery plans Work with task forces and partners on specific issues
Northwest Region Chuck Vale, Field Manager (970) Grand Junction - West Region Steve Denney, Field Manager (970) Durango – Southwest / San Luis Valley Region Patricia Gavelda, Field Manager (970) Fort Morgan - Northeast Region Kevin Kuretich, Field Manager (970) Centennial - North Central Region Bob Wold, Field Manager (720) Denver - South Central Region Randy Kennedy (720) Pueblo - South / Southeast Region Chad Ray, Field Manager (719)
Activities include: Resource coordination for response and recovery activities that exceed local capacity State emergency operations center Grant management Training & exercise support Technical, financial, and planning support
We normally work through the local emergency managers except for construction project management.
Post Disaster – Presidential Disaster Declaration Colorado DEM works in cooperation with our federal partner, FEMA, to administer the recovery and mitigation programs. In the case of the rural electric cooperatives, we would probably ask to coordinate initial and group activities through the CREA and ultimately work through the actual cooperatives on damages and restoration. We would ask for participation in the federal- state-local damage assessment process.
We would hold briefings for entities potentially eligible to participate in the FEMA infrastructure recovery (cost share- reimbursement) program (Public Assistance program). Procurement, contracting, and use of force account labor all need to be compliant if expecting or eligible for any federal reimbursement. FEMA disaster personnel work with rural electric staff to develop project worksheets.
Mitigation & Recovery Recovery: Bob Wold, Recovery Manager (720) Mitigation: Rich Hansen, Mitigation Specialist (303) Mitigation & Recovery: Marilyn Gally (303) Finance: Bill Archambault, Chief of Finance (720)