The Struggle for freedom By Maria Putnam
What was the under ground railroads? The Underground Railroad, a vast network of people who helped fugitive slaves escape to the south and to north It was not run by any single person just about everyone in the north that was against slavery was the ones that would help the slaves.
What was some secret codes? A lantern on a hitch meant that the house is safe to enter if your the slaves. When they went inside they found nice hot food and a warm welcome. The quilt patterns, used in a certain order, relayed messages to slaves preparing to escape. Each pattern represented a different meaning. Some of the most common were “Monkey Wrench”, “Star”, “Crossroads”, and “Wagon Wheel”
When did the underground railroad start and end? Some say no one knows when the Underground Railroad stated others say it started in When dozens of escapes where not caught nor found. ended in The Underground Railroad ended because slavery became illegal after the civil war, and the slaves were no longer slaves and no longer had something to run away from.
Is there someone famous from the underground railroad? Harriett Tubman was born on Maryland Plantation in around 1820 she worked in the fields and the house until 1844, when she married a free black man named John Tubman. Mrs.Tubman,also known as Moses of the Blacks, made nearly nineteen trips back to the southern slave states to rescue people. Before the Civil War she helped more than 300 slaves to freedom without ever being caught. On one of those trips she rescued her own family. During the Civil War she worked as a nurse, spy and, a cook for the Union Forces. She continued working to free slaves during the Civil War and her house was one if the stations for the slaves to stop at.
How many slaves died in the underground railroad? They were in harsh shape from traveling, especially children. So overall about 500 to 1000 slaves died