Introducing the Atos Origin Alliance (AOA) Our role in delivery of the Diabetic Retinopathy Screening (DRS) Programme
2 Unique Alliance created between Atos Origin, IBM and Sopra Group Delivers strong Capacity, Capability and Experience to NHSScotland 4000 staff in 21 offices throughout Scotland We bring a wealth of experience to NHSScotland particularly in the wider screening programmes by developing and support the following programmes Bowel Screening System (BoSS) Scottish Breast Screening Programme (SBSP) Scottish Cervical Call Recall System (SCCRS) Child Health Survelliance Programme – Pre School Child Health Survelliance Programme – School Scottish Immunisation and Recall Programme (SIRS) National Colposcopy Clinical Information and Audit System (NCCIAS) Work in partnership with many NHSScotland delivery partners to provide the service to NHSScotland Introducting the AOA – NHSScotland’s IT Partner
Meet The Team The AOA delivery team consists of the following key people: Ian Bryson - Project Delivery Manager Fiona Nichols - Incoming Service Manager Andy Bartlett - Unix Technical Specialist Stewart Maclean/Asad Khan - Database Administrators 3
What is the AOA’s involvement? Managed Technical Service Support of Hardware and Operating systems Delivery of Data Storage Secure Data Centre services Highly available and resilient Data Centre (s) Service Management Centre (NHSScotland IT Service Desk) Technical Support Application Release Support Flexible service delivery to meet the needs of the DRS user base Dedicated Service Manager providing single point of contact.
The AOA’s Responsibilities and Exclusions Responsibilities Handling and management of all calls to the Service Management Centre (SMC) Provision of the hardware platform, network and operating system Provision of the Data Centre services Support of Application releases Generation of the mobile client after software releases Exclusions Application Software eLinks – i.e. transfer of data between SCI-DC and Sorian SCI-DC Staging servers Cameras
Key Service Components Service Supported Monday to Friday 8 am to 6 pm Service is still available outside these hours Not supported over weekends or evenings NHSScotland IT Service Desk available at all times to take calls Process in place to ensure system availability over system dark hours.
Architecture of the DRS Programme Platform DRS is a multi-agency delivered service Application – Siemens Healthcare Hardware platform – AOA Patient information – SCI-DC Communications – BT N3 for external network AOA for internal network to Data Centre eLinks – inter application communication (SCI-DC to Sorian)
Architecture 8
DRS Facts This has been a highly successful service Over Patient records stored in database Over 1.2 million images currently being stored within the database Database grows at approx 10Gb per week Mostly due to images being captured Small increases in patients. 9
Any Questions? 10
Ian Bryson t +44 (0) m +44 (0) For more information please contact: