SSC-15 Recommendations 1.The SSC recommends that the SSC Chair write a letter of support by the LBA SSC for the GAIA program proposal. The letter should acknowledge that LBA scientists see this program as an important expansion of graduate education in environmental science in a manner that is sensitive to human dimensions questions in the Amazon Region. (Maria Assunção Silva Dias).
SSC-15 Recommendations 2. The SSC recognizes the relevance of the research agenda developed at the Workshop “Human Dimensions in LBA”, and strongly encourages that (i) the results of the Workshop be consolidated in a synthesis paper or volume discussing institutions, population mobility, logistics and regional development, urbanization, productive systems, the agrarian question, land cover/use change and other issues addressed at the Workshop; (ii) a summary agenda on Human Dimensions be submitted to the LBA Superior Commission for approval and direction, regarding how to forward the HD agenda within LBA, including topics discussed in the workshop and also issues of health.
SSC-15 Recommendations 3. The SSC recommends that each of the LBA associated projects designate a data contact to coordinate with LBA DIS staff regarding integration of metadata/data into the LBA DIS system. The SSC recommends that LBA DIS be provided on a regular basis the necessary disk storage capacity to meet increasing data storage demands. The SSC recommends that authors of LBA publications register the appropriate metadata and submit the associated data to LBA DIS for archiving. The SSC recommends that LBA DIS evaluate long-term archive requirements for LBA data at CPTEC including data documentation and metadata quality assessment, and differentiating data of varying documentation completeness. The SSC recommends that the LBA DIS discuss the archival of selected model products and documentation with individual PI’s. We suggest that the LBA DIS members consult with SSC members (Alan Betts, Roni Avissar) for guidance when necessary.
SSC-15 Recommendations 4. The SSC recommends that the LBA Central Office maintain a status sheet available on the internet on current data collection at the LBA towers and that the status information on the CEOP towers be forwarded quarterly to the international CEOP Office.
SSC-15 Recommendations 5. The LBA SSC recommends that the LBA Central Office work together with the appropriate authorities within the Brazilian government to design procedures to assure that the LBA researchers conform to the laws related to genetic information without paralyzing the progress of LBA research.
SSC-15 Recommendations 6. The LBA SSC recommends that the LBA Central Office seek appropriate wording for disclaimers attached to all packages transporting biological materials and should provide orientation to all LBA researchers through the LBA web site. The SSC requests that the Central Office report on actions related to genetic information at the next SSC meeting.
SSC-15 Recommendations 7. The LBA SSC recommends that the LBA DIS produce an on-line tutorial for Beija- Flor (Rita Mesquita and M.A. Silva-Dias, consultants.)
SSC-15 Recommendations 8. The SSC requests that Diogenes Alves, Eustaquio Reis, Mateus Batistella and J. Richey follow up on the contacts between IBGE and LBA, to identify datasets useful for LBA research and define the basis upon which they can be made accessible for LBA research. (Diógenes Alves)
SSC-15 Recommendations 9.The LBA SSC recommends enhanced scientific cooperation between LBA and HIBAM researchers. As a first step, the SSC suggests that LBA and HIBAM convene a joint thematic workshop. (Chairs: Eurides de Oliveira, Alex Krusche, Laurence Maurice-Bourgoin. Tentative: 26 July 2004, Brasilia),
SSC-15 Recommendations 10. The SSC encourages the collaboration of LBA and Petrobras. Establishment of new sites is desirable when these address LBA questions. However, the maintenance of long term sites should also be considered a priority and the SSC urges the LBA Central Office of LBA to work with Petrobras to encourage their assistance with long term research at established sites as well as establishment of new sites.
SSC-15 Recommendations 11. The LBA SSC recommends that the project “Emissions from Biomass Burning” led by J. Carvalho be accepted conditionally as an LBA project. The conditions for full acceptance of the project are: (i)Acceptance of the LBA data policy by that project; (ii)A training and education plan for the project consistent with LBA policies
SSC-15 Recommendations 12. The LBA SSC recommends that the project “Estudo da Distribução Espacial do Risco de Arborviruses na Região Amazônica” led by U. Confalonieri be accepted conditionally as an LBA project. The conditions for full acceptance of the project are: (i)Acceptance of the LBA data policy by that project; (ii)A training and education plan for the project consistent with LBA policies; (iii)Provision of names of the team highlighting the Amazonian institutions that will participate on the project; (iv)Provision of basic information regarding project financing.
SSC-15 Recommendations 13. The LBA SSC recommends that the project “Parama – Project for Advancement of Networked Science in Amazonia” led by Y. Malhi and R. Luizão be accepted as an LBA project. The SSC suggests that the project leaders seek broader institutional cooperation within Amazonia.
SSC-15 Recommendations 14. The LBA SSC encourages Amazon countries outside of Brazil to join in the efforts to understand the role of the Amazon region within the Earth System.