ICT and the Law: We are going to look at 3 areas. The Copyright, Design, and Patents Act controls Illegal Copying The Computer Misuse Act prevents illegal Access to files. The Data Protection Act controls the use of Personal Data.
Copyright, Design and Patents Act Common ways the law is often broken: Using unlicensed Software Downloading text/music/images without referencing then or getting the owners permission.
The Computer Misuse Act Unauthorised Access Unauthorised access with intent to commit another offence Unauthorised modification of data
○ An employee who is about to made redundant finds the Managing Director’s password; logs into the computer system using this and looks at some confidential files- unauthorised access ○ Having received his redundancy notice he goes back in to try and cause some damage but fails to do so – unauthorised access with intent... ○ After asking a friend, he finds out how to delete files and wipes the main customer database – unauthorised modification
Data Protection Act 1998 The Data Protection Act requires anyone who handles personal information to comply with a number of important principles. It also gives individuals rights over their personal information. If the company breaks the law they can be fined and have to pay compensation.
The 8 Principles Fairly and lawfully processed Processed for limited purposes Adequate, relevant and not excessive Accurate and up to date Not kept for longer than is necessary Processed in line with your rights Secure Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection
What is an Information Commissioner, Data Controller and Data Subject? Information Commissioner: Person who has the power to enforce the Act. Data Controller: Person or Company that collects and keeps data about people. Data Subject: Person who has data about them stored outside their direct control.
Health and Safety Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Designed to help employers and employees to ensure Health & Safety at work. It provides the framework for all law, regulations and code of practices in use in Britain today, and is based on EU legislation: It states that employers should provide: ● Safe equipment and systems of work. ● Safe handling, storage and transportation of substances. ● A safe place of work. ● Welfare facilities. ● Information, Instruction, Training. ● Personal Protective Equipment.
Health and Safety: ICT regulations provide tiltable screens provide anti-glare screen filters provide adjustable chairs provide foot supports make sure lighting is suitable make sure there is sufficient space for people to work train employees how to use work stations correctly ensure employees have sufficient breaks pay for regular eye sight tests for anyone who needs prescription glasses in order to use the computer.