THE STOCKHOLM ACCORDS Engaging the Global Professional Community in shaping the Future of Public Relations Toni Muzi Falconi on behalf of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management October
2 THE STARTING POINT … from 2,4 to 4 million public relations practitioners today 10% belong to professional associations (at global, international, national and sectorial level) … with a growing and progressively interdisciplinary global body of knowledge … in an accelerating institutionalization & professionalization of the function with a Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management (2000: 16 associations 2010: 67 associations) WE, PROFESSIONALS!
3 … AND THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK The Stakeholder Governance Model The Network Society From Value Chain to Value Network The Communicative Organization Sustainability as transformative opportunity … Integrated reporting… Monetary Value of a Brand… Communicative Equation…..
4 WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT STOCKHOLM ACCORDS: a global 2-year brief to the PR community to advocate the areas of major value that public relations brings to organizations and society AWARENESS & REPUTATION of our profession
5 A GLOBAL & PARTICIPATIVE PROCESS Idea concept & final approval by the GA Board (dec 2009) Involvement of 100 global leaders (scholars, practitioners, …) feb/march 2010 (1 st ) Synchronous Video-Conference (2 hrs / 45 participants) Six Working Groups (2 weeks) (2 nd ) Synchronous video conference fine tuning (2 hrs / 52 participants) First Draft & Publication on Stockholm Forum Website (april 2010) Discussion (much criticism).. Second Draft … Third Draft … (may 2010) Stockholm Forum presentation and final approval (June 2010) 1000 professionals and educators involved at different levels of intensity
6 THE CONTENTS: THE (6) VALUE AREAS OF PR societal & organizational value areas operational value areas Sustainability Governance Management External Communication Internal Communication Alignment External/Internal Communication
7 FOR EACH VALUE AREA What the scene looks like today from a global perspective How a communicative organization operates How PR professionals bring specific value to communicative organizations
10 HOW MAY YOU AND YOUR ASSOCIATION (IF YOU ARE A MEMBER) DECIDE TO ADOPT AND ADAPT THE STOCKHOLM ACCORDS ? Accelerate the associative sharing process of the Accords Create a working group as sofar 10 other associations have done (Iabc, Prinz, Prisa, Pria, Cipr, Ferpi, Prsa, Cprs … as far as we know today October 21) Stimulate the internal debate (even with your stakeholder publics), sharing experiences and monitoring the HUB
11 How may you and your association (if you are a member) decide to adopt and adapt the brief to help shape the future of PR ? WHAT YOUR ASSOCIATION MIGHT NOW WISH TO ADDRESS ? recognize that PR thrives on the competition of ideas help create the conditions of a healthy growth of the profession operate to ensure an accessible and sustainable market
12 Improve our professional reputation by developing a self-critical mindset and carefully thinking about the consequences of our actions on others, before acting REPUTATION IS OUR RESPONSIBILITY