Cassava value chain exercise Group 3 -Mendi Donatien RD Congo -JOY EBAEDE GOLD (Nigeria) -Agre Paterne (Benin) -Olumide Alabi (Nigeria)
Cassava is a potential crop for sustainable development in Benin, DR. Congo and Nigeria. Constraints are summarized in table in the next slide The use of conventional breeding techniques have been in deployment …..while molecular techniques is currently being adopted to aid the process nowadays The prospect of genetic engineering looks promising in the area of disease management especially CMD…. Small scale are mainly involved in cassava production in the this region it’s only of recent in a country like Nigeria that government initiatives are leading to farm expansion……. Potential production of economic values in these countries include: Ethanol production, food production (Animal feed and human consumption), RED-NNPC (E10)….. Use in confectionary product (HQCF), feed mix and starch production, Ethanol in Benin (Taca-Taca)……
Steps for achieving sustainable economic growth in the region includes: Establishment of crop processing zones Improved input distribution system Multiplication and distribution of clean planting materials Capacity building for stakeholders Investment in breeding and agronomic practice research by both public and private sector (Banks, industries and NGOs) Establishment of Farmer groups Added Value chain improvement
ConstraintsCountries DR CongoNigeriaBenin Lack of inputs FertilizerHighLowHigh WaterLow High CPMLow Medium mechanizationMedium High PestsGreen miteMedium Diseases CMDHigh CBBLow CBSDLow AntrachnoseLow Lack of improved materials Low High storage Medium Post harvest constraint High Sensitive to moisture soil High Drought Low High Lack of selling market Low High Lack of worker extension Low Medium Weed Low