Welcome to the Presentation of Green Hill Lesson Learning Workshop rd April, Bandarban Jatan Kumar Dewan, Program Director, Green Hill GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban1
2 Presentation contents Brief introduction to Green Hill IF-1-Improving Markets and Poverty Alleviation Through Cash Transfer (IMPACT). [Nov 2009-April 2012] IF-4-Some lessons-Poverty Reduction Through Agricultural Sustainable Advancement Knowledge Transfer and Insurance (PRASAKTI) [November [2011-October, 2012] GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban
Brief introduction to Green Hill GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban
Briefing on IMPACT project GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban
Outputs Output 01: Conditional cash (CCT) given to 1,200 participant households agreeing to meet conditions related training, immunization and schooling. Output 02: New and High Potential agro- based investment options disseminated to 1200 targeted HHs Output 03: Five collection points and distribution groups are facilitated to act as marketing linkage GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban
Project Approach The IMPACT project in the CHT is a multilayered innovation, that includes- Skill development support Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) Facilitates in building marketing linkage GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban
Some achievements Year-1: Out of 200 households (HHs), 199 HHs have successfully graduated from extreme poverty. 1 HH has failed. Year-2: Out of 1000 HHs, income of 1000 HHs have been increased who have been successful with short and mid term production. Increased number of buyers, market information & technologies help the farmers get better price. Increased supply chain by the inputs company (Lal Teer & ACI Seeds) GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban
Some lessons Cluster approach (beneficiary and group) results more impact/synergy Basic crop management practice makes important contribution in increasing the productivity of ginger and turmeric CCT is effective when it is disbursed earlier of the production season. The production of 1200 HHs is not enough to meet the huge demand of Agora. However, there is a greater scope to build this linkage if the project is scaled up GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban
Some lessons from PRASAKTI project Increasing savings tendency through “Village Savings and Loan (VSL) system would contribute in poverty reduction Group work through samity strengthens mutual trust, respect and solidarity. No need to take emergency loan from the village lenders (e.g. Mahajan) with higher interest. Individual saving has the chance to be spent but VSL system has much lesser chance. Increasing interest for other IGAs because of having the facility to take loan support GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban
10 Thank you all GH/Shiree/IDE/LLW workshop/Bandarban