THE COMMON LAW The “Common Law” is the basis of the modern English jury sistem. It was introduced by the king Henry II because he would re-established royal autority, law and order in the kingdom.
WHEN WAS IT BORN? The “Common Law” was composed during the reign of the king Henry II (r ). There is an other important date. In the 1215 barons, churcmen and merchants negotiated with king John the “Magna Carta”. It became the basis of all future constitutional governments.
WHY IS IT STILL USED? The “Common Law” is still used because it contains the main laws in vigour in England. So all the people should respect the “Common Law”. The judges in the processes send again themselves to accuse the people that don’t respect it.
THE AFTER “COMMON LAW” After the “Common Law” Henry II demanded that all clergy should be judged by royal courts. But the bishops led by Thomas Becket opposed this request. The dispute led to the murder of Thomas Becket by the hands of four knights. So Becket was declared a martyr.