Henry II Thomas Becket Jaana Lindmets 2012
Henry II Henry II also known as Henry Curtmantle, Henry Plantagenet 5 March 1133 – 6 July 1189 Son of Matilda of England and Geoffrey of Anjou
The reign of Henry II The first unquestioned ruler Took the throne in 1154 Inherited a large area Began to restore order
Thomas Becket Born: ca 1118, London Archbishop of Canterbury from 1162 Was murdered in 1170 Venerated as a saint and martyr
The conflict between the church and Henry II The beginning of the struggle Henry II and Thomas Becket “Will not someone rid me of this turbulent priest?”
Canterbury Cathedral Image of Thomas Becket from a stained glass window
Used sources t_thomas.shtml t_thomas.shtml _ii_king.shtml _ii_king.shtml