Christmas in Africa
Christmas in Egypt On Coptic Christmas Eve (6th January), Coptic Christians go to church for a special liturgy or Service. In Egypt about 15% of people are Christians. They are the only part of the population who really celebrate Christmas. Most Egyptian Christians belong to the Coptic Orthodox Church and they have some very unique traditions for Christmas. Christmas Day isn't celebrated on the 25th December but on 7th January
Christmas in Madagascar Madagascar is an Island off the east coast of Africa, so it is very warm at Christmas time! Even though it's hot, common decorations include holly, robins and snow even though none of them exist in Madagascar! The official language of Madagascar is Malagasy. 'Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year' in Malagasy is 'Mirary Krismasy sambatra sy Taona vaovao tonga lafatra ho anao'. Happy/Merry Christmas in lots more languages.
Christmas in south Africa South Africa also has several other UK Christmas traditions, because of its history with the UK. On Christmas day afternoon, people visit family and friends or might go for a trip into the country side to play games or have a swim. Boxing Day is also a public holiday in South Africa and again people like to be 'out and about' having a good time! Because South Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere, Christmas comes in the summer. So there's lots of sun and beautiful flowers in full bloom
Christmas in nigeria Christmas in Nigeria is a family event, a time when lots of family members come together to celebrate and have fun. Most families, that live in cities, travel to the villages where their grandparents and older relatives live. Many different languages are spoken in Nigeria. In Hausa Happy/Merry Christmas is 'barka dà Kirsìmatì'; in Yoruba it's 'E ku odun, e ku iye'dun'; in Fulani it's 'Jabbama be salla Kirismati'; in Igbo (Ibo) 'E keresimesi Oma' and it's Edo it's 'Iselogbe'. Happy/Merry Christmas in lots more languages. Many families will throw Christmas parties that will last all night long on Christmas Eve! Then, on Christmas Morning, they go to church to give thanks to God. Homes and streets are often decorated. Most homes will have an artificial Christmas tree.
The end!!!!!!!!!! This is where we got the info: why Christmas: Christmas cultures around the world. From nettrekker. By Frank, Blake, Jenny, Seth, and Jordan.