Red-Ruffed Lemur (Varecia rubra) By: Taquirist Beattie & Mikaela Nelson
Red-Ruffed Lemur They are the largest of the family Lemuridae Very clean animal Spends most of its time grooming itself The lower incisors grow forward in line with each other and are slightly spaced Start reproducing around 2 years old
Habitat and Living Expectancy The Red-ruffed lemur live to 15 up to 20 years maximum They live in Deciduous Tropical forests in Masoala Peninsula in northeastern Madagascar They are solitary animals
Diet and Climate Red-ruffed lemurs are mainly fruit eaters Mostly eat figs They live in rainy weather and temperatures 72 and 88 degrees
Predators and Endangerment They have many predators, but I’m only going to name 3 Boa constrictors, Fossa, and Eagles Critically endangered/591 left They are being protected by the Species Survival Plan Hunting, habitat destruction, and burning