FRST 305 Photosynthesis, Respiration, Crown development and Wood formation
Photosynthesis Chlorophyl in the foliage Chloroplasts Sun foliage/shade foliage
Photosynthesis 6 CO H 2 O C 6 H 12 O O 2 SUNLIGHT
Photosynthate C 6 H 12 O 6 “Stuff” Energy
Respiration C 6 H 12 O 6 CO 2 + H 2 O + O 2 (Not balanced) ENERGY
Priorities for Photosynthate 1.Respiration 2.Foliage – Fine Roots 3.{Reproduction} 4.Primary Growth 5.Secondary Growth – Secondary Compounds
Photosynthesis > Respiration ? –GROW Photosynthesis < Respiration ? –DIE Photosynthesis = Respiration ? –NOT A LONG TERM CHOICE
Volume Wood formation (total volume) is: [ (Photosynthesis-Respiration)] - Allocation
Where Does It Go? Respiration Increment Dominant Tree26% 42% Co-dominant Tree29% 41% Suppressed Tree50% 8% [ash stand in Denmark]
Crown Form Excurrent Decurrent
Mechanisms Branch angle Geotropism Weight (gravity)
Apical Growth Apical meristem = bud –Primary growth Preformed Indeterminant
Epinasty Epinastic control –angle and length of side branches –genetics and environment
Shade Side shade –Trees do not lose form Shade from above –high shade – low shade –becomes more diffuse –trees can lose epinastic control
Cross section
Secondary Growth Wood Phloem Stem and branches Cambium
Cambial meristem Xylem –To the inside Phloem –To the outside
Xylem and Phloem Xylem –Wood –Water transport Phloem –Chemical transport
Xylem Tracheids –gymnosperms Vessels –angiosperms
Early wood – Late wood Early wood –Laid down first –Lighter –Less dense Late wood –Laid down later –darker in color –denser
Ring Widths Crossectional area Matter of geometry Distance from crown Mechanical stimulation
Stem Form Ring Area
Stem Form Ring Width
Priorities for Photosynthate 1.Respiration 2.Foliage – Fine Roots 3.{Reproduction} 4.Primary Growth 5.Secondary Growth – Secondary Compounds
Which are better? A.Cylindrical trees B.Tapered trees
Reaction wood Hardwoods –Tension wood Conifers –Compression wood
Compression Wood
Compression wood
Knots Live knots Dead knots
Live Knots – Dead Knots
Stem Quality Straightness Ring characteristics Density Knots