Submitting assignments to TURNITIN.COM You need to login and create an account at using the following info: Class ID Password---v5micro05 The following assignments (ESSAY PORTION ONLY) must be turned in to BEFORE submitting the assignment for grading:Lesson 2.09 Lesson 4.01 Lesson 5.02 PROGRESS REPORTS PROGRESS REPORTS go out by the 15th of every month so make sure to be ON PACE so your grade average is not reduced. All assignments for the week are due by Sunday. You can also earn bonus points for being on pace for the month. INFO ON FINISHING THIS COURSE BEFORE taking the FINAL EXAM, you must contact me (BY PHONE) to get the passcode. This will also be a final chance to review and ask me about any concepts you need clarification on. In addition, you must turn in GRAPHS for ALL FREE RESPONSE as an attachment to get full credit for these. PLEASE NOTE: The directions for the free response questions may not ask you to draw a graph, but I am expecting you to draw a graph for EACH FREE RESPONSE QUESTION as this will be REQUIRED on the AP EXAM in MAY. OTHER COURSE INFORMATION If you are new to FLVS, make sure to check out the Course Information area when you sign into the course. You will want to pay special attention to the link “Educator Orientation” as that provides step-by-step instructions for navigating through the course. For MODULE EXAMS (1-5), ALL GRAPHS must be submitted as an attachment as there is no place in the answer box to insert the graph. You will know to draw a graph if you are asked to draw or illustrate your answer. Please check your frequently throughout the week for updates about the course. These tend to help you troubleshoot problem areas as you are completing lessons in the course. You must plan to call me for ALL Oral Assessments. Please see my contact information on this page. This will also be a time for you to ask questions about any material you do not understand in the module. Check out the HELP Icon below (these are WORD docs that you can save to your desktop and print out for future reference). Included are Special Edition Notes, Module tips, Strategies for taking the AP exam, Essential Graphs you must know, as well as a “Frequently Asked Question” link. These were designed to help you be more successful in the course, so make sure to access them. Looking for ways to “BOOST” your grade? Check out your Gradebook and revise/resubmit assignments with low grades. Also check out the Module Extra Credit problems below under the BONUS icon. PLEASE NOTE: You can only submit extra credit lessons if you are ON PACE. My contact information is: (work) (cell) You can call me each week day up until 8:00PM (EST) at night. If I am unavailable, please leave me a message and I will get back to you. On weekends you may leave me a message and I will get back to as soon as possible. AP Exam Review Info The time for the review is fast approaching. I will be hosting webinars during the month of April to review key ideas in AP Micro. You must be finished with the course in order to participate. Look for upcoming information about these in the next few weeks.