Welcome to the PowerTeacher Portal of PowerSchool 1/15/10
General Information From 1/19- 1/27 attendance, registration, and scheduling will be done by hand. From 1/19- 1/27 attendance, registration, and scheduling will be done by hand. If you have not printed your grades from IGPro you must do it today! If you have not printed your grades from IGPro you must do it today! You will no longer have access to SASI or IGPro You will no longer have access to SASI or IGPro
General Information You will be able to use PowerTeacher from home You will be able to use PowerTeacher from home The most up to date version of Java is required The most up to date version of Java is required Adobe is recommended Adobe is recommended There may be some glitches as we begin using the new program There may be some glitches as we begin using the new program There will be a daily downtime for maintenance 9pm-5am) There will be a daily downtime for maintenance 9pm-5am)
Online training Allows for additional training and a place to find answers to your questions Allows for additional training and a place to find answers to your questions Login Training Distance learning SC Distance learning Teachers Login Training Distance learning SC Distance learning Teachers
PowerTeacher Portal Icons Icons Chair- attendance Chair- attendance Knife/fork- lunch (not using) Knife/fork- lunch (not using) Backpack- student information Backpack- student information Printer- print reports Printer- print reports
Attendance Very important that this is done accurately every day Very important that this is done accurately every day If everyone is present- click submit If everyone is present- click submit For absences or tardies- For absences or tardies- Click on the drop down box Click on the drop down box Select Tardy or Absent Select Tardy or Absent Click the students name box Click the students name box Click submit Click submit When attendance for the class has been taken the ball by the chair turns green When attendance for the class has been taken the ball by the chair turns green
Selections to the left Personalize Personalize Change the password (Do not do this until we get the OK from the DO.) Change the password (Do not do this until we get the OK from the DO.) Set the default screen Set the default screen Display section numbers Display section numbers
Selections to the left Recommendations Recommendations This is an option that will be avaliable later. This is an option that will be avaliable later. Gradebook Gradebook You must launch and download the gradebook the first time you use it. You must launch and download the gradebook the first time you use it. Click “run” Click “run”
Gradebook Class content Class content Can put in syllabus, class rules, etc. Can put in syllabus, class rules, etc. Can copy and paste from word (this is recommended as there is no spell check option in PowerSchool) Can copy and paste from word (this is recommended as there is no spell check option in PowerSchool)
Gradebook Assignments Assignments Make sure you are in the correct reporting term. Make sure you are in the correct reporting term. You must put a date with the assignment You must put a date with the assignment PowerSchool will put the assignment in the proper quarter PowerSchool will put the assignment in the proper quarter “+” or “-” will add or delete assignments “+” or “-” will add or delete assignments If not using a points earned grading system put the % under the weighted column. If not using a points earned grading system put the % under the weighted column.
This will get you started. This will get you started. Questions: Questions: See Mrs. White or Mr. Ball See Mrs. White or Mr. Ball We may not know the answer but will find it for you as quickly as possible. We may not know the answer but will find it for you as quickly as possible. Remember all data in PowerSchool is Live from the time you put it in. Remember all data in PowerSchool is Live from the time you put it in.