Welcome to Mrs. Brown's Class 8th Grade Pre-Algebra PeaNUTS about Math Please sign in on one of the sign in sheets around the room. Please Print! Please pickup a blue info sheet by the door.
Around here, however, we don’t look backwards very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things.. and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths. -Walt Disney
Calendar (0ld copy)
Grading Students grades are based upon the following criteria - 60% - Major Grade - 20% - Daily grades - 20% - Quizzes
PAC Parents can now log into CISD's Parent Access Center to access their students' grades and class averages. To sign up for this valuable service, please click on the "CISD Parent Access Center" link on the left side of this page. Here you will find step-by-step instructions on setting up a PAC account for your student. You will 1st need to register before you can view anything on the website. Teachers will be publishing grades once a week on Mondays. This is a great tool for you to use to keep track of your child’s grades in class.
Gradebook key In the gradebook, you may notice that some grades are listed with numbers after the decimal point. These are a key to let you know various reasiing behind certain grades. The key is as follows..01 not completed/finished.02 no work,.03 absent and never turned in (or someother number in the decimals place) is the actual grade the student made on the assignment or test
Test Policy Tests will be sent home within a week of testing. Test and Reflections Sheet will be returned with a parent signature for a Bonus daily grade. Tests will be given back before the end of the semester to use as another study guide for semester final.
Classroom Procedures ALL work is done in pencil NO late work is accepted All answers must be highlighted All problems must be labeled ALL work must be shown
Technology We will be using a calculator this year in class. It is advisable to have one at home. We are using the TI- 84. At times we will be using our cell phones, school i-pads, or laptops to do activities.
Frequently asked questions Q: Will my student have homework every night in math? A: Yes, your student will have math homework every night. I will usually give at least a 10 minutes of class time to begin their homework, and on rare occasions, students may finish their work at school. You can check your student's assignments by visiting the assignments page for their class.
Q: Does my student need to bring their student companion to class every day? A: Yes these are used as an interactive notebook. The students will be writing some notes within them.
Q: We would like to speak with you regarding our student's progress in math. How can we get in touch with you or set up a conference? A: I would love to speak with you about your student! If you have a quick question or would like a general update, is the best way to get in touch with me If you would like to have a conference with me, you will need to call the McCullough Counseling Center ( ) and schedule it through their office.
Q: How can we view our student's grades and average in math class? A: Parents can now log into CISD's Parent Access Center to access their students' grades and class averages. To sign up for this valuable service, please click on the "CISD Parent Access Center" link on the left side of this page. Here you will find step-by-step instructions on setting up a PAC account for your student.
Q: What should I do if my student lost their workbook? A: If your student loses their Pearson companion, a replacement workbook can be purchased for $60, you can also access all pages of the workbook online. The links can be found on my website or through the Pearson login.
Ways for your child to be successful in math this year!!
Send a positive message about math Praise your child for their accomplishments. Avoid saying that you do not do well in or do not like math.
Be involved with your child’s progress. Check your and the class website frequently. Ask your child about their grades after tests and quiz dates.
Mandatory homework and study time at home. Make schoolwork a priority at home. Choose a set time each day that is most effective for your child. Promotes study habits that will carry on through high school and college.