Parent Orientation 2011 Presented by: Elvis Rushing Director of Technology
What is Family Access? Family Access allows you to see your child’s information... schedule, grades, attendance, discipline, vaccination records, emergency contact information, test scores, etc.
Family Access Use Available for 1st – 12 th gradesAvailable for 1st – 12 th grades PK and K grades have access to information, but not all of the gradebook features.PK and K grades have access to information, but not all of the gradebook features.
Family Access Use Access to this parent technology is a privilege, not a right.Access to this parent technology is a privilege, not a right. Parents/guardians held responsible for proper use of accountsParents/guardians held responsible for proper use of accounts Use may be monitoredUse may be monitored Access may be revoked if rules are violatedAccess may be revoked if rules are violated
What is Inappropriate Use? 1.Users will not use someone else ’ s account or access another individual ’ s records without permission. 2.Users will not use Family Access for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy Laws. Unauthorized access or release of student information is prohibited. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.
What is Inappropriate Use? 3.Users will not share their password with anyone. Each guardian will receive a separate password. 4.Users will not gain or attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted information or resources. 5.Users will not maliciously attempt to harm or destroy District equipment or materials, data of another user of the District’s system, or any of the other connected networks. 6.Users identified as a security risk to West Orange- Cove School District’s Family Access or the West Orange-Cove School District network will be denied access to Family Access.
Procedure for Family Access 1.Parent Orientation Meeting 2.Complete application form 3.Return form at Family Access Training or in person to the Attendance Office one of the campuses in which your child(ren) attends. A picture ID is required at that time. 4.Once approved, you will receive an with your username and password.
How to Log On Go to to Click on Family Access linkClick on Family Access link or Go to Parents link or Go to Parents link Click Family Access linkClick Family Access link Enter login and passwordEnter login and password
Lists all assignments from all classes that are considered missing!
What does an * mean? The grade has not been posted in the gradebook! An * does NOT affect the average An * does NOT affect the average A “zero” DOES affect the average A “zero” DOES affect the average Skyward makes an assignment missing 5 days after the due date. Skyward makes an assignment missing 5 days after the due date.
What to do if I see an * in the grade book: An asterisk... what now? 1. Look at the due date! 2. If the due date was 1/21/11 and today is 1/22/11, chances are the teacher hasn’t graded the assignment …check back. 3. If the due date was 1/21/11 and today is 2/5/11, ask your child about the missing grade…was it completed, was it turned in?
Please keep in the mind the length of time that may be needed to grade an assignment.Please keep in the mind the length of time that may be needed to grade an assignment. For example, a research paper will take longer to grade and record than a worksheet might!For example, a research paper will take longer to grade and record than a worksheet might! An asterisk... what now? Always check with your child FIRST!
Many teachers enter a 0 for a missing assignment rather than leaving it as an * so the resulting student average reflects the actual grade in the event the assignment is not completed and/or turned in!Many teachers enter a 0 for a missing assignment rather than leaving it as an * so the resulting student average reflects the actual grade in the event the assignment is not completed and/or turned in! Once the assignment is turned in and graded, the 0 will be changed to the actual grade if the work was made up within the time allowed by the teacher!Once the assignment is turned in and graded, the 0 will be changed to the actual grade if the work was made up within the time allowed by the teacher! An asterisk... what now?
Comments written by teacher is for the six weeks grading period.
Family Access can serve as a tool to communicate grading and attendance concerns with your child. Having a discussion with your child may answer many of your questions and save a phone call. FAMILY ACCESS
Contact Attendance Clerk for changes to demographic information or attendance. Contact Teacher for questions about grades. CONTACT INFORMATION
Thank you Parent Orientation 2011