Technology Training Preview #1 START
Tips & Tricks Tab – Use the Tab Key, instead of your mouse, to jump to the next text area. Shift-Tab – Hold down the Shift Key and hit Tab to jump to the previous text area.
Tab Shift
Tips & Tricks Alt-Tab – Hold down the Alt Key and hit Tab to jump from one Window to another. Space-Bar – Use the Space- Bar to “check” or “uncheck” boxes.
GradeBook Central GradeBook Central is the easiest way to manage your grades on AcademyLink!
GradeBook Central Click on GradeBook in your AcademyLink Blue Side-Bar.
GradeBook Central Then... Click on Gradebook Central.
GradeBook Central You will get a screen similar to this.
GradeBook Central You may select a different class by Clicking on the Down-Arrow.
GradeBook Central You can view the Class Summary for Each Assignment.
GradeBook Central You can Add an Assignment.
GradeBook Central OR... Click the Underlined Assignment Number and ENTER/EDIT grades for all students.
GradeBook Central TIP: Use your TAB key, instead of your mouse, to move to the next text box.
GradeBook Central OR... Click the Underlined Student Name and ENTER/EDIT grades for all assignments.
GradeBook Central TIP: Use your TAB key, instead of your mouse, to move to the next text box.
GradeBook Central IMPORTANT! Make sure to hit the Update Button to save your changes!
Microsoft Windows Clicking on this button Collapses the Window to the Task Bar at the Bottom of the Screen.
Microsoft Windows Clicking on this button Maximixes the size of the Window.
Microsoft Windows Clicking on this button Closes the Window
Microsoft Windows Click and Drag this corner to make the Window Larger or Smaller.
Microsoft Windows Clicking on ‘File’, Selecting ‘New’... ‘Window’
Microsoft Windows... will give you two identical Windows.
For every Window that is available, you will have a Button in the Task Bar at the Bottom of your Screen. Microsoft Windows You can click on a button to “toggle” to another Window.
By Using Multiple Windows You Can Enter Report Card Grades for 2 (or more) students/classes at the same time. Microsoft Windows
In Fact... Using Multiple Windows is like being able to use two computers to input your grades at the same time! Microsoft Windows