Ms. Sarnelli Room B9
Classroom Expectations Enter class & copy the homework from the board into agenda & have it stamped Update the Table of Contents in Interactive Notebook Begin Warm-Up – follow all directions given in Warm-Up Take all notes given & participate productively in discussions and activities Listen and follow directions
WARM UP: Write your homework – leave it out to be stamped! QUIZ on physical & chemical properties/changes in 2 classes...yes, it will be formal, so start reviewing! Get your Blendspace Note Guide out to be checked! What questions do you have about physical or chemical properties/changes? DateSession # ActivityPage # 9/29- 9/30 3 Chemical Change Mini Labs (ONE from the group gets turned in for a grade – tape into notebook when returned) 3
Resources/Communication PowerSchool Please check PowerSchool for missing work/grades Wiki page: Conferences: Contact 8 th grade counselor Dawn Baker
What you can do to help your child be successful… Check your child’s agenda nightly and make them physically show you the completed homework for completion and quality Check wiki site for full lessons, homework assignments & upcoming tests/quizzes Utilize PowerSchool & let your child view their assignments/grades as well
Tutoring Time Tuesday Mornings from 8:15 – 8:45 Students should come with specific questions or material they want to go over so that they leave feeling they have a better understanding of concepts they previously did not feel confident about. Retesting is also available at this time.
Areas of Study: 1 st Quarter = Chemistry Atomic Structure Periodic Table Physical & Chemical Properties & Changes/Reactions Rates of Reaction Law of Conservation of Mass & Balancing Chemical Equations
Areas of Study: 2 nd Quarter = Energy/Natural Resources & Earth’s Waters Renewable vs. Non-renewable Sources of Energy Water Distribution on Earth Water Quality & Human Health Water Treatment Oceans & Other Aquatic Ecosystems
Areas of Study: 3 rd Quarter = Earth’s History Earth’s Structure/composition Plate Tectonics Relative & Absolute Age/Dating Earth’s Geologic Time Scale Fossils & Evidence of the Past Evolution & Genetic Variation
Areas of Study: 4 th Quarter = Biology Molecular Biology (cellular structure & function, nutrition) Microbes & Infectious Diseases Biotechnology Relationships within Ecosystems Energy Resources
Grading Standard CMS grading scale: Formal Assignments = 65% Informal Assignments = 35% Grading Scale: = A = B = C = D Below 60 = F
Late/Missing Work All work must be turned in on time to receive full credit Anything that is not turned in or completed will receive a 0 initially as a placeholder in the grade book Any late work will receive a maximum of a 70% Work that is late and incomplete may receive lower If an assignment is not turned in by the end of the quarter, the 0 will be changed to a 50 at that time
Absences If a student is absent, please check my wiki page to see posted assignments and complete anything that can be done from home. Student should get copies of worksheets from the “Got Work?” shelf and copy notes from a classmate upon return. It is also the student’s responsibility to come in and make up missed quizzes or tests preferably during tutoring time, but other arrangements can be made.