SKITS Read Ch. 2 Sec. 1 (begins p. 33) by tomorrow and use as reference Each table should split into two groups –The table closest to the door: Traditional Economy –Middle Table: Command Economy –The table closest to windows Market Economy Create a 2-5 minute skit showing the advantages and disadvantages of your assigned economy EVERYONE in the group must have a speaking role. You will begin presenting tomorrow. You should hand in 1 written script with all group members’ names included. REMEMBER: plausible, legal, appropriate
Absent 1/18? Read p in the book Answer #2-5 Section 1 Assessment p. 39
Announcements: If you ever see a 0 in the gradebook for an assignment you turned in, check the “Adopt-a-Paper” board. Yours may have been nameless. If you see “AE” in the gradebook, it means Absent Excused. This does not count for or against you.