Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 TA/Faculty Contract CHECKLIST OF INSTRUCTIONAL DUTIES FOR TEACHING ASSISTANTS Listed below are duties that TAs normally perform. Discuss this check-list thoroughly with your assigned Instructor. Complete this form, indicating which of these duties you are expected to perform and how often you are expected to do them. For infrequent duties (such as computing final grades), indicate anticipated dates. Be sure to clarify the last date that your T.A. services are needed. Then ask the Instructor to initial the agreement. Ask them if they would like a copy of the contract and keep a copy for yourself. DUTY FREQUENCY attend classes take class notes take attendance maintain class website read text maintain office hours conduct review sessions conduct lab sessions grade homeworks grade essays/papers show films/videotapes conduct field trips prepare transparencies write exam questions proctor class tests proctor make-up tests grade exams oversee machine grading maintain class grades prepare mid-semester reports help compute final grades OTHER: please specify Date TA services conclude: Instructor name: TA name:
Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 Being a Teaching Assistant Main Roles: Grading Clerical Services Office Hours Discussion Sections THIS IS YOUR JOB!
Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 Grading Tests Papers and Assignments Posting Grades Dealing with Complaints
Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 Measurement and Evaluation Measurement and Evaluation Center (MEC) Wichita (Bridgeway 109) - Procedure 1.Get scantron sheets from Sociology office 2.After the test, organize the sheets 3.Fill out a key for each version of the test 4.Turn in tests and keys to MEC -No appointments (fist come, fist served) -Analysis completed within 30 minutes 5.Professor receives summary sheet with item analysis via 6.Record grades in gradebook and post
Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 Grading Tests Papers and Assignments Posting Grades Dealing with Complaints
Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 Office Hours and Consultation The Rules Time Limits Attachments Fighting The Office Rules Open Doors Pre-Assignment Test Traffic
Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 Clerical Jobs Copying Duplicates 1 week before class, 3 days before tests, and 5 days before finals Staff Handoff 1066 Managing Canvas
Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 Managing Canvas Accessing Canvas Login with UT EID - 3.Find link for your class under “ Courses ” Canvas Features 1.Documents (Word, HTML, PDF) 2.Announcements to students 3.Information (contact information) Using Canvas 1.Professor must grant you access -People +Add People EID Role Section (if applicable) Next Add Users 2.Once you have access… -Post documents -Record/post grades (Grades)
Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 Other Duties Attendance Reading Review Sessions
Department of SociologyRob Crosnoe August 28, 2006 Additional Advice -Academic Integrity -Sexual Harassment -Students with Disabilities -Center for Teaching Effectiveness -Seminar for New TAs -Drop-in tutorial service for students Evaluations