Notes for Instructors
This screen appears when you choose the Settings option for an assessment. Click the triangle next to a menu view notes regarding it. Note that not all of the settings are available to a Published Assessment. A Pending Assessment must be republished for any changes to take effect made in it.
Title: shows which assessment type was selected upon creation. The predefined settings should be reviewed to assure they are accurate.
Description: only visible to instructors. Attachments: attached images appear on the initial page of an assessment; links point to other attached filetypes.
Notes on submission times
Selected Groups: checking this will allow you to restrict an assessment to certain sections or groups Title of course tab: the default course tab title is the first section so it may appear that it only refers to one section; it refers to all students in the course. Tip: To change the course tab title: Site Info > Edit Site Information > edit Site Title > Continue > Finish
You can restrict where an assessment is taken by the IP address of the computer (such as the UD Online Testing Center). You can restrict access to a test by creating a username and password (not your own!) and only giving it to those students who can take the test. This is It is helpful if you want to publish an assessment and check its behavior using a student guest account. If you are satisfied with how the test works, you can remove the username and password. If you want to make changes, remove the Published test, edit the Pending version and republish it.
You can restrict the amount of time a student spends taking a test. See table.
Navigation: determines whether or not students can review questions. Question Layout: if students will be taking tests outside of University sites, it is advisable to deliver each question on a separate page to avoid problems resulting from interruptions in network connections.
Mark for Review is intended for students taking tests to identify questions they may want to re-examine before submitting their test. Students can also use the Table of Contents and click the Part triangle to see all the questions.
Timed tests are always automatically submitted when the time limit is exceeded. See more on Notes on submission times.Notes on submission times
You can provide a message that will show to the students when they complete their test. You might also want to direct them to a web page for the next step by adding the web address.
Feedback authoring: refers to feedback when creating or editing any question. Feedback Delivery: ◦ Immediate Feedback will give students the correct answers while taking an assessment. It works best for self-tests. You can choose what the students will see when they look at their scores through the Tests & Quizzes tool. In the Gradebook, they will only see their total grade for the assessment. ◦ Student's Assessment Scores: total grade for the test ◦ Student's Question and Part Scores: number of points earned for each question ◦ Question and Selection-Level Feedback: refers to the comments added before the test is taken (e.g., hints for incorrect answers) ◦ Statistics and Histograms: grade ranges for the entire class
If multiple submissions are allowed and feedback is given, students can view all submissions, not just for the grade that is recorded in the Gradebook.
You can set the background color or add an image to appear as a watermark behind the test questions.
This information is not currently used.