Objective: Explain Classroom Procedures Clarify Classroom and Core Expectations
All behavior in this classroom should reflect the right of the teacher to teach and the right of the students to learn 1. Accept responsibility for your own actions and performances. 2. Show respect for everyone and everything. 3. Bring your own materials to class. 4. Be in your seat before the starting time. 5. Be positive.
Be Prepared (I need to bring an AR book, pencil, and homework/notebook) Be Respectful (myself, others, and teachers) Be Responsible (for my actions, grades, and choices)
Find your assigned seat quickly and sit down quietly. All of your hallway business needs to be done when you enter the room. You will not be allowed to leave once you have entered the room. Come prepared to class. You may sharpen your pencils and get out materials needed for class at this time. Follow the directions or do the problem(s) posted on the front board.
Stay in your seat until Mrs. Wilson dismisses you. Hanging out by the door is not allowed.
You are expected to listen when the adult in charge begins to speak or you are given a signal to be quiet.
Pencil Homework Notebook AR Book
Most days there will be time to work on homework in class. If you finish early, you may read AR. If you finish early and are caught up in all of your classes you may choose an activity from the file cabinet to work on.
The purpose of homework: To practice what you learn in class. Due the next day, unless otherwise noted. Must be done neatly, on regular sized notebook paper. Must be done neatly in pencil or blue or black ink and include your name, date, and hour
The Core has a website you can visit to check on assignments: I also have a class website you can visit to keep track of what is going on in Science Class:
All work is expected to be handed in on time. If you know you are going to be absent, you need to see the teacher before the missed class. You need to do this before school, after school, or during 5 th hour, not during class. (This is a Core policy) The assignment will be due on the same date as the rest of the class or it will be considered late. You have 1 day plus the number of days you were gone to make up work for each school day you missed; for things other than previously scheduled/planned absences. You are responsible for picking up the missed assignments(s).
Check the ‘Absent Crate’ at the front of the room to find what you missed, before asking Mrs. Wilson. If you there are any questions, make an appointment to see Mrs. Wilson. Hand in make-up work in the class basket. Make-up work not handed in will be recorded as a zero in the grade book, until it is handed in. I will not ask you for the make-up work, it is your responsibility.
A slash or check mark will be put through the number of the problem, when it is missed You may write the correct answer in pen When done grading, you will include the score. This information will be placed next to your heading All students will get up and hand in their own paper in ABC order, face down.
Graded papers will be filed in your filing folder. You are responsible for putting them into your notebook.
Everything will be entered as points. Quizzes and tests will be worth more points than homework.
Notebooks are used to teach organization and are expected to stay organized. Mrs. Wilson will check your notebooks to assure organization and take a grade. It is your responsibility to bring your notebook to class each day.
Dividers will be put up during tests. When done with the test, place it face down on your desk and work on AR or other homework. Make sure you have everything you need before the test. No getting out of your seat during a test. No talking.
Homework Help is a program designed to help students with their homework before and after school. Students are required to make arrangements to stay. Students will be signed up for homework help for the following reasons: Multiple missing assignments. Absent for multiple class periods. Low grade or dropping grade. Misconception of topic.
Grades will be posed weekly on the back door of the room. You may request a progress report at any time, other than during class. A progress report will be sent home approximately every 4 weeks and will need to be signed and returned. Students who have D’s or F’s will receive a progress report on Monday that will need to be signed and returned.
Seats are determined randomly by the computer, with some teacher discretion. I expect you to sit with all four of the chair legs on the floor all the time. Failure to do so will result in the loss of your chair.
If the teacher is NOT delivering instruction, get up and sharpen your pencil. If the teacher IS delivering instructions, raise your hand and ask permission. Students should sharpen pencils before class begins.
Use the bathroom and get drinks between classes. Very rarely will you be able to go during class, even if we are not busy. In the event you do need to use the bathroom, a hallway pass will need to be filled out and ready to turn in, and the clipboard at the front of the room will need to be filled out as well. Make sure you take the appropriate pass with you when you leave.
Stop Talking. Listen to instructions. Stay with your class.