Quincy Public Schools Student Information System Aspen Student Portal aspen.quincypublicschools.com
Aspen Student PortalAspen Student Portal 1 How do I access the system?How do I access the system? 2 Demonstration of various featuresDemonstration of various features 3 Quincy Public Schools Connecting Homes ~ Schools and Student Performance 2
Quincy Public Schools Student Portal The Student Portal is an online tool that allows you to monitor your child's progress in school. It provides you instant access to your child's grades and other information anytime and anywhere you have Internet access. For the school year, the Student Portal is available to parents/guardians of all middle and high school students. As a parent/guardian, you can: View the most current information about your student's academic performance such as grades and quarterly averages. View student schedules. Access daily attendance. Review family information, such as emergency contacts. View the Calendar The system was developed and tested with great care to ensure that student information is kept confidential and that only you, and authorized school personnel, can view your child's information. 3
In the near future, you will be able to: Review your contact information and submit changes online. Submit course requests online. Quest – Online Educational Resources. 4
Your Login ID is your Student Identification Number (8 digits) Your generic password is quincy123. You will be prompted to change your password after logging on. Your new password should be at least one UPPER CASE LETTER and at least ONE NUMBER. Minimum of 6 digits. The password will be encrypted for security reasons. The example is showing the encrypted password. 5
After logging on for the first time… You will be prompted to change your password. 6
Students and family members, particularly those who are primary adult contacts for a student, use the Student Portal to see the student's information, academic progress, groups, and calendars. Student Announcements For a quick peek at your school, class, and groups information, use the Pages tab. Teacher website 8
On the Announcement Tab, teachers have links to their web pages which contains additional information specific to their class. This is an example of a link to a TEACHER WEBSITE. 9
Use Tabs, Side-Tabs, and Sub-tabs Aspen is similar to a filing cabinet – it organizes folders of information with tabs, side-tabs, and sub-tabs: After you click a tab, side-tabs specific to that tab appear on the left side of the page. For example, if you click the My Info Tab, side-tabs such as Details, Transcript, and Schedule appear. If you click the Conduct tab, the Incident History side-tab appears. 10
Using Pages in the Student Portal The Pages tab appears when you log on to Aspen and contains the following: Click the Home icon or Pages tab to view your Home page. Often this is your school's Page and contains school news and announcements. Homework Assignment information. The Academics tab gives you access to view: classesclasses and assignmentsassignments Use your Calendar tab to manage your assignments and time. To make the calendar most helpful, be sure to click Calendar Settings on the Options menu to define your calendar settings.click Calendar Settings on the Options menu to define your calendar settings 11
Names Hidden for Security Use My Info Tab to view information including demographics, attendance, schedule and transcripts. 12
MY INFO The My Info Tab is where you will find Demographic Information as well as Transcript, Attendance, Assessments, Course Requests (Grades 8-12), and Schedule Information. Transcript Schedule Info 13
The Academics Tab provides you access to view: Classes Assignments Class attendance Click on a specific class to view details including assignments and grade summary. 14
How do I view my child’s grades? Click on the Academics Top Tab. Click on one of the course numbers. You will see a screen with summary attendance and grade information for that class 15
View Assignments To view the grades on specific assignments in a class: Click the Academics tab. Select the checkbox for the course you want to view assignments in. Click the Assignments side-tab. Click the Category drop-down to select: All to view all assignments, or A category to see only that type of assignment (for example, click Tests to view only test grades). Category drop down 16
The Calendar Top Tab will allow you to view the calendar for homework assigned. Double-clicking on the assignment will show you details regarding the assignment. Under the menu Options you can personalize the calendar settings or add appointments. You may select the Day, Week, or Month view. 17
Student Locker Tab Students can upload and save files in the virtual locker. For example, from your home computer, you might upload an English essay, or a spreadsheet you created for Math class. Then, when you arrive at school, you can access your file from any computer. A list of files you uploaded appears. 18
Things to consider… Teachers may use the portal differently, it’s important to check with your child’s teacher to find out how they are using the tool. The data is secure and read-only. Feel free to explore. 19
Note: viewing your child’s grades: Every teacher’s schedule is different, and they complete their gradebook process on different timelines. It may take one to two weeks before some teachers record an individual assignment, test or quiz in their gradebook. If you have questions regarding a grade or an assignment, we recommend you speak with your child first. If you still have questions, please contact the teacher. Parent/teacher communication is very important for your student’s success. 20
Additional Support and Resources Help within the Portal* User Guides* Quick Reference Cards* Short “How to Videos* QPS Website Aspen Publications (monthly) PTO Meetings * These tools were created by Follett Software and explains all functions of the Portal. 21
Time to log into the Aspen Student Portal aspen.quincypublicschools.com 22
Your Login ID is your Student Identification Number (8 digits) Your generic password is quincy123. You will be prompted to change your password after logging on. Your new password should be at least one UPPER CASE LETTER and at least ONE NUMBER. Minimum of 6 digits. The password will be encrypted for security reasons. The example is showing the encrypted password. 23
After logging on for the first time… You will be prompted to change your password. 24