Media Center Student Orientation McEachern High School
Enter as you Exit Because students work in the media center at all times during the day, it is important to enter quietly and exit the same. Be sure to speak quietly when necessary and refrain from entering areas where classes are working.
Hours of Operation Monday: 7:30-4:00 Tuesday: 7:30-5:00 Wednesday: 7:30-4:00 Thursday: 7:30-5:00 Friday: 7:30-4:00
World Wide Web As long as a class isn’t present, the computers are open before school, during lunch, and after school. The teacher station is off limits at all times.
Fiction Holds our Expectations The most patronized section of the media center is the fiction collection. The highest traffic times are Fridays to check out and Mondays to return. The Reading Team uses the Peach List, and many other students not on the reading team enjoy the novels as well. In addition, teachers read many of the books on the list. The new arrivals are updated each month.
Non-Fiction Holds our Reality
Book Return
Our Books Wait on YOU Need a book, but it’s checked out? Use your Destiny account to place it on hold, and we will put your name on the board when it’s ready for pick up.
Table Talk Sometimes you just need to spread out and get down to business. We have table areas for you to do just that.
Hungry for gossip? Fuel your inquiring mind.
The Pinnacle of your Success Pinnacle is the grade book and attendance system used by the county. You can stay current with your grades and assignments by stopping by the technology room for your passcode. The technology specialists can also have troubleshoot computer issues when the media specialists are not available.
College and Career Ready
Media Classroom Teachers can begin instruction in the media classroom and move into the actual media center for further instruction. Teachers often use this area during the writing process to accommodate students at different stages. The school newspaper also uses the classroom to work on their layouts and editing.
Questions and Feedback Visit the media center’s webpage by using the link on school’s website.