FLURISHIN G CIRCUITS Paul Taylor | Ministries, Learning & Development Officer The Discipleship & Ministries Cluster of the Connexional Team version 1:


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Presentation transcript:

FLURISHIN G CIRCUITS Paul Taylor | Ministries, Learning & Development Officer The Discipleship & Ministries Cluster of the Connexional Team version 1: March reflections on the nature of circuit

Regrouping for Mission: Mapping a Way Forward The Task – Discerning and developing...  sustainable and relevant circuit structures which will serve and oversee the mission-obligations of the Church in the early decades of the 21 st century;  new ways for Circuits to fulfil their responsibilities and purposes in line with SO 500: ‘the circuit is the primary unit in which Local Churches express and experience their interconnexion in the Body of Christ, for purposes of mission, mutual encouragement and help.’

people.... co-ordination of ministers, lay staff, preachers property... trustee of manses, overview of churches + other bldgs finance... oversight of general funds, model trust links... with churches, circuits, district, connexion, ecumenical partners Circuit Circuit’s core function? Standing Order 500

people links worship... underpin everything with God-centred worship + prayer learning + caring... nurturing a people-centred + flexible culture service... supporting community development + action for justice evangelism... developing confidence in evangelism + speaking of God and faith Circuit Circuit centred on Our Calling + the Priorities? Our Calling, 2000; Priorities of the Methodist Church, 2004 property finance

people links discerning...focusing on gifts + calling reflecting... supporting an appropriate range of lay + ordained ministries rooting... encouraging Methodist identity learning... developing discipleship with a small group focus Circuit Circuit centred on EDEV principles? EDEV Report to Methodist Conference, 2006 property finance

people links mission culture... centred on mission, growth + God’s grace mission priorities... focussing on realistic objectives + appropriate strategies mission structure... creating structures that enable mission Spirit focussed... open to the energy of the Holy Spirit Circuit Circuit centred on Missional nature of Circuit? The Missional Shape of the Circuit Report to Conference, 2008 property finance

people links being Christian... characterised by grace, love humility + hope being Methodist... emphasising Methodist roots + identity; encouraging risk taking being a disciple... focussing on God, telling our story + sharing faith being in the world... supporting community engagement Circuit Circuit centred on ‘Holiness + Risk’ statements? Holiness + Risk Conference, 2009 property finance

people links focused on Christ... modelling centrality of Christ in all things whole-life... advocating lives shaped by Christ life-long... promoting learning + renewal for all belonging... encouraging transformative communities of faith Circuit Circuit centred on ‘Methodist Christian discipleship’? Martyn Atkins, Discipleship... and the people called Methodists, 2010 property finance

people property finance links valuing... all ages are embraced + understood think, talk, be with God... focussed on God participation... promoting participation of all speaking out... developing a culture of responding to issues 21 st century church... exploring/experimenting with new ways of being church supporting workers... supporting, encouraging + developing people teaching + challenging... providing opportunities + resources for learning + challenge Circuit Circuit centred on theme’s of the ‘Connect’ strategy Methodist Children + Youth Connect Strategy, 2010

people property finance links Methodist... modelling Methodist ways of working specialist... developing specialisms, eg. ecumenical, heritage learning... promoting a culture of learning ministry... developing ministry of all focussed on gifts networks... working in partnership pioneering... exploring opportunities for pioneering and fresh expressions Circuit Circuit centred on ‘Ministries + Circuits’ reflections Reflections offered to Shadow Ministries Committee, 2011 (from DDEs, TOs, Principals, FX Staff, Connexional Team staff)

Circuit Some common themes... people placesfinance learning supportive participative rooted pioneering 21 st century contextual ministry of all worship... underpin everything with God-centred worship + prayer learning + caring... nurturing a people-centred + flexible culture service... supporting community development action for justice evangelism... developing confidence in evangelism + speaking of God and faith think, talk + be with God resources values mission disciples

Regrouping for Mission: Mapping a Way Forward Some questions –  What do we mean by circuit?  What are the opportunities and challenges of this focus on circuit?  Does this model offer... [a]... a helpful way of understanding circuit? [b]... something that could be helpful with some changes? [c]... something that is not relevant for the Methodist Church today?