WINDOW INTO NORTH AMERICA The birthplace of the Adventist Church today has less than 8 percent of the world church’s 15 million members. And while the church focuses its attention on evangelism in areas such as big cities and the 10/40 Window, millions across North America have never heard the Adventist message.
WINDOW INTO NORTH AMERICA One out of every 321 people in North America is a Seventh- day Adventist. But some communities have no Adventist family to spread God’s love. In these areas radio can provide a vibrant witness to those who have not yet heard the message that God loves them and is coming to take His children home soon. Part of this quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help spread that message via radio throughout the United States and Canada.
OPPORTUNITY This quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help: Place rebroadcast radio stations in communities across Canada; expand the reach and effectiveness of LifeTalk Radio across the United States. Media plays an important role in evangelism. Besides purchasing time to broadcast radio and television programs on public or commercial stations, the church operates an extensive network of radio stations and The Hope Channel ©. Part of our Thirteenth Sabbath Offering this quarter will strengthen the LifeTalk radio network in the United States and expand the Adventist radio ministry that originates at radio station VOAR in Newfoundland.
TRUTH ON LATE-NIGHT TV July 5 | Told to Mission by Ben, Charles, and Josh Reitman
BIKER RIDES FOR CHRIST July 12 | Told to Mission by Rob Turlington
OWNER OF THE SKY July 19 | Told to Mission by Blia Xiong
THE ACCIDENTAL CHURCH July 26 | Tamyra Horst
August 2 | Aaron Ayow and Katie Crews YOUTH FORGE MODERN MINISTRIES
August 9 | Deena Bartel-Wagner THE LITTLE STATION THAT ROARS
MISSION FIELD AT HOME August 16 | Told to Mission by Nathan Svoboda
THE SABBATH TEST August 23 | Told to Mission by Chealse Cleveland
A NEW BEGINNING August 30 | Jeff and Anne Strong
MISSION IN MY BACKYARD September 6 | Zeke Kleinsasser
FAITH FULL CIRCLE September 13 | Told to Mission by David Armstrong
A PASSION SHARED September 20 | Told to Mission by Kristina Reeve