Upper Air Diagrams
The Stüve Diagram One of a number of atmospheric plotting charts
Temperature scale (deg. Celsius)
b) e (m r e u l s a s c e S r P
- - - I s o b a r s - - -
Graph for plotting radiosonde observations
900 mb, 0 o C
All process lines Analog computer
Sounding Data for TOP (72456) 00Z 14 MAY 2007 LAT = LON = ELV = PRES HGHT TMPC DWPC RELH DRCT SKNT MIXR Station
Sounding Data for TOP (72456) 00Z 14 MAY 2007 LAT = LON = ELV = PRES HGHT TMPC DWPC RELH DRCT SKNT MIXR Date
Sounding Data for TOP (72456) 00Z 14 MAY 2007 LAT = LON = ELV = PRES HGHT TMPC DWPC RELH DRCT SKNT MIXR Lat./Long./Elevation (m MSL)
Sounding Data for TOP (72456) 00Z 14 MAY 2007 LAT = LON = ELV = PRES HGHT TMPC DWPC RELH DRCT SKNT MIXR Pressure (mb) Height (m) Temp. (C) Dewpt. (C) Rel. Hum. (%) Wind Dir. (deg) Wind Spd (kts) Mix Ratio (g/kg)