Pascual Session 4.A
-What were the different groups of Judaism like (during the time of Jesus) -Who decides what the beliefs of Catholicism are? Questions to address
There was no single monolithic and uniform expectation of the Messiah among first-century Jews. N.T. Wright, The New Testament and the People of God, 307.
The Supreme religious authority in Jerusalem. Governed over issues of religion and secular matters. Jewish communities dispersed outside Israel (Diaspora) look to them for guidance. The Sanhedrin
This party was the Priestly Aristocracy of Jerusalem who exercised their power through the Sanhedrin. Theologically conservative, accepted only the Pentateuch and rejected later ideas: angels, demons and resurrection of the dead, all of which developed in the postexilic period. Sadducees
Comprised of both priests and lay people Seek to extend Temple holiness to everyday life. Predecessor of Rabbinic Judaism. More Liberal than Sadducees accepted angels and demons, free will, judgment after death and resurrection of the dead The Pharisees
Highly probable that Jesus engaged in debates with the Pharisees, though unlikely to have been involved in his arrest or execution. Played a major role in Judaism after the destruction of the Temple (70 AD) Also, Jewish Christians were excommunicated from the synagogues shortly after. Note on Pharisess
Fanatical Jewish nationalists Used terrorism and assassination against Romans Interpreted Jewish Messianic Hope politically Not a major power until AD The Zealots
Jewish version of the Omish withdrawn to the desert quasi-monastic life under strict rule settled at Qumran “Dead Sea Scrolls” comes from them The Essenes
Highly eschatological if not apocalyptic Ritual purity, strict observance of Law Study of Scriptures Joining sect meant new covenant relationship with God Expected for 2 Messiahs Theological View of Essenes
Lived in the high country between Judea and Galilee Mixed people: survivors of Northern kingdom of Israel and the Assyrians Considered heretical and schismatic by other Jews Built their own temple on Mt Garizim, and did not worship in Jerusalem Accepted only the Pentateuch Messiah was seen as “The Restorer” The Samaritans
The Jewish groups during the destruction of the Temple The Jewish Revolt (66-70 A.D.) Sanhedrin Sadducees Pharisees The Essenes The Samaritans “The Way” (followers of Jesus)
-What were the different groups of Judaism like (during the time of Jesus) -Who decides what the beliefs of Catholicism are? Questions to address
-What were the different groups of Judaism like (during the time of Jesus) -Who decides what the beliefs of Catholicism are? Questions to address
Known as the juridical view 1)Formal Teaching: The Magisterium promulgates law and teaches doctrine 1)Formal Teaching: The Magisterium promulgates law and teaches doctrine 2) Reception The faithful obediently accept these laws and doctrines
1a) The Christian faithful’s pluriform expression of its faith 2a) Episcopal Reception of these Expressions of Faith 3a) Official Formulation as Doctrine 4a) Reception of Doctrinal Formulations
The transmission of faith comes through the life of the Church (worship, Scripture, Tradition) protected by the successors of the Apostles (the bishops). Most authoritative formulations occur in “ecumenical councils.” See Acts 15. Catholics see the first ecumenical council to be The Council of Jerusalem (in Acts 15) Non-Catholic Historians prefer to begin with the Council of Nicea (325 AD) The latest council is Vatican II ( )
How was the New Testament put together? The Books for the New Testament Canon was decided on two criteria: -associated with an apostle in some way - orthodox in doctrine (use in worship) Interplay of life of the Church and the written Scripture - living community checked and controlled by the testimony of the apostle - the written records were checked and controlled by the living community
Early decades of the 2 nd Century, there are evidence of the modern day canon But not definitively finalized until AD (in the West) Significantly later in the East. Brown E., Raymond. Introduction to the New Testament. Bokkenkotter, Thomas. A Concise History of the Catholic Church. Gonzalez L., Justo. The Story of Christianity. Gaillardetz, Richard. By What Authority? A primer on Scripture, the Magisterium and the Sense of the Faithful. Finalization of the NT Canon