2 OUTLINE First impressions Mandate Status of initiatives Summary Challenges The Future
3 First Impressions Operations and administration in better shape than expected Quality and dedication of personnel; Complexity of program delivery and funding mechanisms; Difficult issues need to be addressed – must deal fairly and appropriately with external and internal expectations; Requirement to focus efforts and resources; and Need for continued communication with the Bases & Wings.
4 Mandate Management & administration of public funds Management & administration of non- public funds Application of legislation Pursuit of synergy, economy, and efficiency Consultation with functional authorities
6 Deployed Operations NPP supports deployed operations: CFRT, Show Tours, Mission Information Line (MIL), shipment of amenities such as movies, newspapers & magazines, pocket books, and Op Santa Claus; and NPP deploys personnel tasked to deliver the Morale and Welfare Program, including: fitness, sports & recreation, R&R, HLTA, retail and mess operations, and barber services.
7 NPP Contribution - Deployed Operations BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA OP Palladium. Approx 270 employees deployed between Aug 00 and Dec 04 (average 30 personnel per Roto); OP Boreas. 4 employees deployed between Aug 04 and Sep 05; HAÏTI OP Halo. 6 employees deployed (April-Aug 04) AFGHANISTAN / Host Nation OP Athena (CJ and CM). Approx 220 employees deployed since July 03 (average 40 personnel per Roto); OP Archer (Kandahar). 5 employees since Aug 05. Number will increase as the mission increases (approx 30 personnel by Feb 06 )
8 Deployed Operations - Training Two-week training in Borden/St-Jean: 50/60 candidates per course 12 courses completed during period 2000 to 2005 One-week intensive course unique for OP Athena Roto 0 in 2003 Three-day refresher course for returning personnel: 5 courses Screening process: regularly 1,500 to 3,000 applications twice a year when requirements are advertised internally and externally.
Camp Julien Gym Spinning Class
Camp Julien Junior Ranks Mess MessMess BarBar PatioPatio
12 Management & Administration of public funds DirectionInitiativeStatus Eligibility of NPP expenditures for reimbursement from public No changes required “Guidance for Contracting in Support of MW Programs” Draft being staffed Public funds managed IAW FAA Found to be in full compliance of public accountability framework processes by HR- Mil Compt and DAPPP Alignment with administration and culture of public Continued participation in Business Planning Process Closer liaison with HR-Mil GP on Strategic Planning
13 Management & administration of non-public funds DirectionInitiativeStatus Delegation of Authorities Revised CDS Delegation of Authorities for Financial Administration of NPP Expenditure Management Reviewed and found to be compliant ComptrollershipSame challenges as rest of DND with respect to resource management Improvements required ContractingNPP Contracting PolicySeeking approval Travel AuthoritiesReviewed and found to be compliant Sensitive Expenditures Reviewed and found to be compliant
14 Management & administration of Non-Public Staff DirectionInitiativeStatus Employment Equity & Diversity Consultation with DND OPIs Workplace Accommodation in progress Human Rights and Harassment Prevention & Conflict management NPP policy mirrors DND/CF being staffed EthicsNPP policy mirrors DND/CF (resource issue) General safetyVCDS & CEO co-signed Occ. Health & Safety JSU
15 Application of legislation DirectionInitiativeStatus Must comply with legislation, and respect spirit and intent of legislation applicable to Public : Public Service Staff Relations Act; Part II of the Canadian Labour Code; Employment Equity Act; Official Language Act; Canadian Charter of Rights; Canadian Human Rights Act; Access to Information Act; Privacy Act Notes: Resource issues related policy implementation Adherence to spirit and intent of legislation applicable to Public narrows the gap between Staff of NPF, CF and PS
16 Pursuit of synergy, economy, and efficiency DirectionInitiativeStatus Minimize overhead cost of support divisions Nationalization NPF Accounting Reduction in discretionary expenses Synergies with ADM(HR- Civ) Training & Development Employee Recognition Consultation Synergies with ADM(IM) & DHRIM Sharing application licenses and communication lines Synergies with CRS Sharing resources Consultation
17 Consultation with functional authorities DirectionInitiativeStatus Align the NPP framework more closely with that of the public Sponsorship Policy Contracting Policy Transfer to Public FRPA CFP 110 HLTA
18 Summary ProgressSlow developments Mandate direction Strategic Plan Update Banking Project Customer Relationship Mgt Succession Planning Deployed Ops HLTA CFP 110 issues Sponsorship Policy CF Newspaper Policy Contracting Policy NPF Human Resources Policies Synergies with DND HLTA
20 Challenges Immediate: Mandate (Contracting policy, HR Policy); Legal status (constant challenges from within DND) Chain of command (NPF Employee status often misunderstood) Viability of NPP (need to better control and attribute costs) Public funding (Morale & Welfare programs, services and facilities tend to be both low priorities and soft targets) Long-term: Adapt to change – goods & services offered must evolve to serve customers and thus maximize the sources of funding for MW Programs; Improve service to small units; Increase relevance for Reserve personnel and retired members; Infrastructure recapitalization – a next phase?
21 The Future Excellent programs and people; Continue to align with administration & culture of CF; Document our policies and accountability framework; Build bridges with ECSs and NDHQ matrix; Outline the vision as per our unique value proposition; Focus resources to maximize impact; and Adapt to changes (CF operations and personnel);
Questions / Discussions