Project-Based Learning in Action Training to Go
Understand the value of project-based learning Learn core techniques - Brainstorming - Setting objectives - Project planning - Effective wrap up Objectives
Think of a project from your youth What was it? How did it come about? Who guided you? What made it good? Great Projects…
Apply concepts and learning to real-world situations and activities Develop 21 st century skills Engage all children and youth Develop skills, competence, and confidence Why Project-Based Learning?
KICKOFF Planning and Launch Project time to LEARN by DOING SHOWTIME Products, events Project Stages
KICKOFF Planning and Launch Keep it youth centered Project time to LEARN by DOING Objectives Keep it going SHOWTIME Products, events Demonstrate learning Document learning Project Stages and Techniques
Why brainstorm and how does it work? Potential challenges What will you try? Brainstorming
Step into youth’s shoes Indoor 5-minute field trip! Brainstorm project ideas and guiding questions Try It: Project Planning I Ideas and Questions Try it with your ideas
Reinforce and expand knowledge and skill Specify outcomes or results Address specific academic and learning skills Tie to demonstrations of learning Try It: Project Planning II Objectives Try it with math and language arts
Consider and plan for: Length of project, calendar, scheduling Materials Timeline with interim check-ins Grouping students Stages and phases Tasks, roles, and responsibilities Try It: Project Planning III Sustain the Learning Try it with your project ideas
Show learning and accomplishment Plan from the start Check against objectives Try It: Project Planning IV Demonstrate & Showtime Try it: Culminating event ideas for your project
Align with objectives Share with others Document the Learning
Introduce the concept of project-based learning to youth Gather their thoughts on potential projects Begin planning timelines and necessary supports Ideas to Action