1 The model of integrated use of information for provision of aircraft flights Completed by: Kolosok A. Supervisor: Luppo O.E. Модель інтегративного використання інформації для забезпечення польоту ПК National aviation university Aero navigation systems department Kyiv 2015
2 The aeronautical information/data of the Air traffic management (ATM) integrated and interoperable system is required to evolve to the data-centric aeronautical information management (AIM). In order to coordinate an evolving global air navigation system, it is important to have a harmonized plan for aviation regulators, operators and industry to follow. Thesis actuality 2 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu Global Accident Rare
3 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu 3 Tasks: To analyze systematically the Global Air navigation Plan (GANP) for modernization of aviation system proposed by ICAO; To study the concepts of the flight object interoperability; To design the model of the complex using flight data in air navigation system of Ukraine. Goal of the work Development of model of the complex using flight data in air navigation system of Ukraine.
4 The 4-th edition of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP, Doc 9750) provides a global planning framework for incremental operational improvements through a methodology, better known as the aviation systems block upgrades (ASBUs.). Measurable improvements in area of operation Onboard and ground equipment/system in the presence of operational approval Standards and procedures for onboard and ground systems Positive economic justification 4 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu Global Air Navigation Plan
5 BLOCK 0 BLOCK 0 BLOCK 3 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 1 Airport operations Optimum Capacity and Flexible Flights Globally Interoperable Systems and Data Efficient Flight Path 5 The modules are grouped into four areas for improvement performance There are 4 blocks modernization. Each block consists of a set of modules and its measurable element corresponding to regional or local needs Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu Aviation systems block upgrades
6 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu 6 The United States together with ICAO conducted an analysis of the key provisions of ASBU compared them with the most important stages of implementation procedures, techniques and schedules. According to the analyses priority for implementation belongs to the category “interoperability (IOP)”. The ASBUs describe ways to apply the different concepts to achieve local and regional performance improvements. Today Tomorrow
7 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu 7 The main objective of the IOP is to allow a disparate set of Flight Data Processing Systems (FDPSs) to maintain a consistent view of the flight data, and to allow them to coordinate changes to that flight data even between systems that are not yet operationally responsible for the flight. The ‘Flight Object’ (FO) is a concept to support the sharing of consistent flight data between all stakeholders. FDMP -The Flight Data Manager / Publisher AOR - Area of Responsibility FDC - Flight Data Contributor WIMP - What-If Manager/ Publisher Logical Architecture of Flight Object (FO) IOP
8 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu 8 Improved service through digital aeronautical information management Increased interoperability, efficiency and capacity through ground – ground integration Support meteoinformation and enhanced operational efficiency and safety integration Ready for implementation Stepwise transitions to the integrated use of flight data Standards Readiness: √ Avionics Availability: √ Ground System Availability: √ Procedures Available: √ Operations Approvals: √ Global IOP
9 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu 9 B0-105 Meteorological information supporting enhanced operational efficiency and safety B0-25 Increased Interoperability, Efficiency and Capacity through Ground-Ground Integration B0-30 Service Improvement through Digital Aeronautical Information Management B1-105 Enhanced Operational Decisions through Integrated Meteorological B1-25 Increased Interoperability, Efficiency and Capacity though FF-ICE-1 before Departure B1-30 Service Improvement through Integration of all Digital ATM Information. B1-31 Performance Improvement through the application of SWIM B2-25 Improved Coordination through multi-centre Ground-Ground Integration B2-31 Enabling Airborne Participation in collaborative ATM through SWIM B3-105 Enhanced Operational Decisions through Integrated Meteorological B3-25 Improved Operational Performance through the introduction of Full FF-ICE Stepwise transitions to the integrated use of flight data
10 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu 10 Exchange Models: Aeronautical Information Exchange Model (AIXM) Weather Information Exchange Model (WXXM) Flight Information Exchange Model (FIXM) AIM - Aeronautical Information Management AIS - Aeronautical Information System FF/ICE - Flight and Flow - Information for a Collaborative Environment In the future: System Wide Information Management (SWIM ) Evolutions of the now well-known exchange models for achievement the appropriate level of interoperability Information management model
11 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu 11 The systematical analysis of the GANP for modernization of aviation system proposed by ICAO was made to access the necessarily of certain changes. After studying concepts of the flight object interoperability and GANP it became obvious that the need to improve information management system Ukraine is high. In the result of diploma work the model-scheme for implementation of the complex usage of flight data in air navigation system of Ukraine was developed. The implementation of proposed model is advisable to guarantee efficient work of information system. Requirements for the first step: Standards Readiness:2018 Avionics Availability:2018 Ground System Availability:2018 Procedures Available:2018 Operations Approvals:2018 Conclusions
12 Providing complex usage of information relating to flight data Dobrovolska S. Yu 12 Thank you!