What could MOZAIC do for GMES ? Andreas Volz-Thomas on behalf of the MOZAIC-Team Jean-Pierre Cammas, Kathy Law, Philippe Nedelec, Herman Smit, Valerie Thouret, Fernand Karcher, Vincent-Henri Peuch, Hans-Werner Pätz, Manfred Helten, Richard Crowther, Gille Athiers, Nobert Houben, MOZAIC was initiated in 1993 by Airbus Industrie and funded by the European Commission for 10 years. Special thanks go to Lufthansa, Austrian Airlines, Air France and Sabena for free transportation of the instruments and maintenance.
AVT-ESTEC MOZAIC IRealisation, Certification, and Installation of Systems aboard 5 AIRBUS A340 O3 and H2O Measurements Operation since August Flight Hours MOZAIC IIMOZAIC I Operation CO DEVELOPMENT continued (O3, H2O) Flight Hours NOy DEVELOPMENT MOZAIC IIIMOZAIC I OperationCO, NOy CERTIFICATION continued (O3, H2O) CO, NOy INSTALLATION MOZAIC III Operation O3, H2O, CO, NOy > Flight Hours including CO, including NOy MOZAIC HISTORY End of MOZAIC III:
AVT-ESTEC Valérie Thouret – MOZAIC III meeting - January 2004 > flights MOZAIC Operation Aug 1994 – Aug 2003
AVT-ESTEC MOZAIC Products High Quality Data on: –Climatological information in the UTLS > h/yr –Vertical Profiles > 4000 /yr for areas not otherwise covered in-situ for compounds not otherwise measured Examples to follow
AVT-ESTEC Large variability in time and space for relative humidity Seasonal cycle in tropics % Pronounced seasonal cycle for O3 Hemispheric assymetry Longitude Belt: 10°W - 70°W First Climatology in the UT for O 3 and H 2 O
AVT-ESTEC Valérie Thouret – MOZAIC III meeting - January 2004 Interannual Variability of UT Ozone Eastern US 35-50°N Europe 35-50°N NAO Index
AVT-ESTEC MOZAIC Variability of Ozone in the Troposphere Representativeness of surface sites
AVT-ESTEC Small scale phenomenon ( X < 200 km, Z < 2 km) Difficult to see by satellites Importance: contrail & cirrus formation; radiative balance; OH formation 15-30% of the UT shows ice super saturation (ISS) Global models do not reproduce ISS ISS correlates with sub- visible cirrus Horizontal extent of ISS regions Ice Super Saturation in the UT
AVT-ESTEC Upper troposperic NOy (summer)
AVT-ESTEC Seasonal Cycle of NOy green: NOyblue: O3
AVT-ESTEC Valérie Thouret – MOZAIC meeting - January 2004 MOZAIC profiles New Information on CO
AVT-ESTEC Vertical Profiles of CO
AVT-ESTEC VERTICAL PROFILES OVER BEIJING SUMMER 2003 CO Plumes over Asia P. Nedelec, MOZAIC-Workshop, Jan, 2004
AVT-ESTEC MOZAIC CO (ppb) MOPITT CO (ppb) MOPITT – MOZAIC (East Asia) P. Nedelec, MOZAIC-Workshop, Jan, 2004
For a better understanding of Air Pollution, Climate Change, and the UTLS, we need: 1.Better models resolution, processes, emissions,..... data assimilation 2.Satellite data global coverage but cannot resolve UTLS nor vertical structures in the troposphere. require ground truthing 3."MOZAIC" data high resolution data in the UTLS and vertical profiles but no true global coverage and sampling biases. Expand coverage (Pacific, SH) Expand aircraft fleet Expand parameters (NOx, aerosol, clouds, CO 2,.....) 4.Ground based data Easy to access, continuous, difficult measurements possible, but sampling bias (representativeness)
AVT-ESTEC Model Evaluation & Improvement Improved global chemistry-transport models evaluation with MOZAIC data as part of EU projects TRADEOFF, TOPOZ, RETRO, SCENIC - results used in IPCC (2001)
Targeted Variables IGACO Group 1 & Group 2 Chemical species Air Quality Oxidatio n Capacity Climat e Stratospheri c Ozone Depletion O3O3 CO UV-A j(NO 2 ) UV-B j(O 3 ) H 2 O (water vapour) HCHO C2H6C2H6 active nitrogen: NO x = NO+NO 2 reservoir species: HNO 3 SO 2 active halogens: BrO, ClO, OClO reservoir species: HCl, ClONO 2 sources: CH 3 Br, CFC- 12, CFC-11, HCFC-22 aerosol optical properties CO 2 CH 4
AVT-ESTEC The Cost of MOZAIC Total cost of Operation : –Ca. 1 Mio€/yr (total cost) –500 €/flight (including transportation) => 70 €/hour OR 250 €/profile Comparable to the cost of a radio sounding But includes O 3, CO, NO y, and H 2 O (>5km) !! plus 6 hours of free data in the UTLS !!
AVT-ESTEC Is there a future for MOZAIC ? MOZAIC ends in one month !!! In order to continue, we need: –A sustainable structure with new, smaller instruments that can be installed and maintained on in-service aircraft. This requires: Instrument development Certification of intruments according to new aeronautic rules Certification of maintenance procedures (Real-time data transmission for forecasting) => 300 €/flight (45 €/h or 150 €/profile) plus additional parameters (aerosol & clouds)
AVT-ESTEC Is there a future for MOZAIC ? Implementing MOZAIC into the new instruments of FP6 was not successful –Climate & Env.: SCOUT, QUANTIFY, VATICAN –Aeronautics & Space: ECATS Preparation of a proposal (SSA) under Design Studies for Infrastructures –Depends on support from users Continuation of MOZAIC operation "as is" from own ressources is not sustainable for long –Depends on airlines, internal funding, regulations, etc.
IAGOS (Integration of routine Aircraft observations into a Global Observing System) Partners: FZJ, CNRS-LA, CNRM-MF, DLR, UCAM, UMIST Tasks: –Design and certification of smaller instrument packages (O3, H2O, CO, NOy, NOx, CDP) –Certification of maintenance procedures –Design of small instruments for aerosol (size resolved) for routine operation –Studies for very small packages (O3, H2O, CO2) –Finding a sustainable structure for the operation of the new infrastructure –Design of a real time data transmission system Estimated Cost (100%): M Euro (3 years) Deadline:4th, March 2004
AVT-ESTEC Is there a future for MOZAIC and IAGOS within GMES ??? CNRS-LA and FZJ are willing to continue their support ! BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP !
AVT-ESTEC FRANKFURT JULY 29 th :17 and 05:25 O3CO COMPARISON between MOZAIC Aircraft
AVT-ESTEC MOZAIC in GEMS 3. Global Reactive Gases 4. Regional Air Quality Validation of (or assimilation in) global fields produced by global CTM / assimilation systems (MOZART, MOCAGE, TM). -Validation of vertical profiles across Europe produced by continental/regional models (5-6 european models). MOZAIC is recognized as a unique database for UTLS / tropospheric profiles of ozone and water vapour (building up for CO, NOy) Building GMES capability is an incentive to continuing MOZAIC operations and to developing near real-time data transmission. MOZAIC is complementary to emerging remote-sensing of tropospheric chemistry (recall PTU radiosounding is still the primary source of information in meteorological data assimilation). V-H Peuch, MOZAIC- Workshop, Jan, 2004
IGACO Recommendations Adding missing ground-based measurements for Group 1 variables, and, where feasible, some of those from Group 2 (in situ, total column, active and passive profiling, and balloon sonde) (SR4) Developing robust routine aircraft measurements for all the feasible species. An instrument development programme aimed at the operating environment of aircraft is most desirable (SR5) Initiating immediately the planning of a network of satellite measurements for the long term with priority to adding GEO instruments to a complementary set of LEOs (SR2) Establish long-term continuous observation system satisfying IGACO data requirements by: