Homosexuality is Now a Civil Right. Example in the News lately: Photo of young girl brought to a “gay pride parade”, she naturally covered her eyes when.


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Presentation transcript:

Homosexuality is Now a Civil Right

Example in the News lately: Photo of young girl brought to a “gay pride parade”, she naturally covered her eyes when several lewd/naked men pranced by. --For shame! What ever happened to laws that used to protect minors from being corrupted by wicked people?

A.Homosexuality is Condemned 1.Lev 18:22 2.Lev 20:13 3.Rom 1: ICor 6:9 5.I Tim 1: Jude 1:6-7 7.Dt 23:18 - Some same sex acts 8.Dt 22:5 - Cross dressing 9.Homosexuals are sinners!

B. What is Marriage? 1.Gen 2:18; – Companionship and intimacy; be fruitful & multiply, 1:28 & 9:1 2.Eph 5:23-32 – Husbands love/sacrifice, Wives submit 3.1Pt 3:1-5, 7 - Wives - demonstrate godly character and quiet inner beauty. Husbands - honor their wives, be kind & gentle. 4.Different roles, but God will judge as equals

4. No place in God’s word that can possibly allow the institution of marriage to be twisted by LGBTs wishes. 5. God, not man, defined marriage to be available only to one man and one woman. (“Not to burn” - 1Cor 7:9; Heb 13:4, “Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge”) 6. “Homosexual Marriage” is a construct of evil doers & is impossible/unallowable.

C. What About Man’s Laws? 1.Civil authority comes from God who is over all – Rom 1: When civil law contradicts God’s law, we must choose God – Acts 4: Civil law can provide benefits equal to those found with marriage partners, but those types of “unions” still do not qualify as godly marriage.

D. The Nature of Evil- Doers Should Be Understood 1.“From Dawn to Decadence; 500 Years of Western Cultural Life” (by Jacques Barzun) 2.Criminals of all types rebel against law and want to bring about chaos (1Cor 14:33, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace..”). 3.“These seek the egotistical satisfaction that criminals enjoy of being conspicuous and of having done evil” – Barzun 4.Isaiah 59:3-4; 5:20; Heb 10:31

A Few Concluding Observations: 1.“For I am the LORD, I change not” Mal 3:6 2.The Word of God lives forever – 1Pt 1:23 3.Love the sinner, hate the sin! 4.Remember, like all other sins, it is a choice: LGBTs were not born that way, BUT chose to be that way. (“but such were some of you..” - 1Cor 6:11) 5.Take a stand with truth! Be bold with the truth of God’s word!

1 Cor 6:9, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,