Slide 2-1 CHEMICAL ABSTRACT SYSTEM DATABASE Chemicals 10,000,000 5,000,000 1,000, , Million ?
Slide 2-2 THE PROBLEM Billions of tons of hazardous materials and wastes produced, used, and shipped annually.Billions of tons of hazardous materials and wastes produced, used, and shipped annually. EPA has identified 402 Extremely Hazardous Substances.EPA has identified 402 Extremely Hazardous Substances. More then 65,000 hazardous substances are available on the market.More then 65,000 hazardous substances are available on the market. Annually, 600 new ones appear.Annually, 600 new ones appear. They are all around us.They are all around us.
Slide Report Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) (ATSDR) 23% 77% Transportation At fixed facilities facilities Residential Rural Commercial-Industrial 50% fewer on weekends % 9% 75% 11% 18% %
Slide ATSDR REPORT *OthersMetalsInsecticides Polychlorinated Biphenyls BasesChlorineCyanides Most Common Substances MultipleSubstances 12% Releases Single Substance 42% 18% 15% 14% 11% VolatileOrganicCompounds Herbicides * 88% Acids Ammonia
Slide ATSDR REPORT (cont'd) Personal Effects Deaths: 11 First Responder General Public At One Event Employees Not Wearing PPE At Fixed Facilities No Eye Protection Injuries: 1446 Chemical Burns Nausea Eye Irritation Dizziness or Acute CNS Symptoms Acute CNS Symptoms Respiratory Irritation 6.1% 8.9% 22.8% 24.8% 37.3%
Slide ATSDR REPORT Injury Profile Use of P.P.E. (1553 Reports) Employees First Responders 25% 75% 22% 12% 43% 19% Using Not Using Level A No PPE FirefighterProtectiveGear Level B 76% 24% Female Male First Responders Public 14% 67% 19% Employees
Slide ATSDR REPORT (cont'd) Scene Information 15% 85% 12% 88% No Evacuation Yes EvacuationDecisionmaker Police or Firefighter In-Place Sheltering--1% Range of Evacuees --25 to 10,000
Slide 2-8 "HAZARDOUS MATERIALS" DEFINITIONS Department of Transportation: Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials Environmental Protection Agency: Extremely Hazardous Substances DOT and EPA: Hazardous Waste
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