Courts There are SEVERAL MILLION arrests each year in the US Includes local, state, federal ** HANDOUT SHEET **
CRIMES 25 million criminal victimizations (data from 2000 & 2001, similar today) 6 million Violent, 19 million Property/Other About 40% of criminal victimizations are reported to police About 1/2 of violent crimes are reported to police About 1/3 of property crimes are reported to police Victims and Witnesses are who report crimes. Fear of retaliation (gangs, etc.) is not why crimes go unreported - "private matter" and "not serious enough" main reasons for not reporting crimes. Less than 10% of criminal victimizations are "cleared" About 25% of violent crimes are cleared (1/2 of those reported) About 5% of property crimes are cleared (1/6 of those reported) Reporting and clearance of victimless crimes (drugs, etc.) and corporate crime are so low that nobody bothers to count officially - far less than 1% cleared.
Courts The Wedding Cake Model (know this well!!)
Courts Courtroom work group Courthouse culture “Doing Justice”
Courts Serious and less serious felonies Three key factors: - Harm/Injury - Background of offender - Relationship of offender/victim
Courts Second layer - very harsh “Criminals” Third layer - generally lenient “Losers”
Courts Some implications... - Public misunderstanding - “Get tough” - Third layer issues - discrim, etc
Courts - Plea bargaining - “Endless pool” of poor (third layer) - What criminologists study - Homicides & culpability
Courts The “dual system” (based on social class) (bail & private attorney)
Courts Plea bargaining - Settlement “Normal Crimes”
Courts “Dipping into the third layer”
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