By Toni-Ann and Megan.
What was your initial idea? Our initial idea was to create a captivating opening title sequence. This has stemmed from the opening sequences we have watched in class and researched in our own time; such as se7en, love actually, blue valentine. First of all we had intended to mix two genres rom-com and crime, however due to further research we realised that there were no films that met both of those genres, therefore made it seem less realistic that we could produce it. In the end We felt as if we could be more creative with editing and the use of camera shots by choosing the crime genre for our opening sequence.
What did you learn about opening title sequences and your chosen genre? Give/show examples. Once we had chosen to do a crime genre film we both began to research more into it. We found out lots in the process; such as its codes and conventions, what companies produce our genre of film. One of the major things we learnt was that many crime films have a back story whilst the opening title sequence is playing, as this allows the audience an insight to either a character, setting, and or the crime committed. Most crime film opening sequences also appeared to be very dark in its colouring and was contrasted by red or white writing to stand out. The setting is usually dark or raining to create a sense of mood and or mystery even before the film has started.
What opening title sequence/genre elements will you be using? Unlike most traditional crime movies we are taking away from the convention of a male archetype rescuing a female archetype, where as we plan to swap it around and have a female rescue the male. In addition to we are moving away from the standard American produced crime films and are going to use a British company for our opening sequences. Another thing we are including in our opening sequence is instead of male blackmailer targeting a female we have decided to go with a female targeting a female to break the myth that men are superior and women need to be rescued by them. As well as this the power struggle between the main characters is two females rather than the standard male and male or occasional male and female in crime films.
What do you hope to achieve/impact? We hope to achieve this through the use of a well planned story board, research of our chosen genre, and using our time productively whilst filming and creating the opening title sequence to achieve our chosen genre – crime. Crime films : are films which focus on the lives of criminals. The stylistic approach to a crime film varies from realistic portrayals of real-life criminal figures, to the far-fetched evil doings of imaginary arch-villains. Criminal acts are almost always glorified in these movies.