Film Posters Hugo Austin
This is a good poster for a thriller film as it uses colours that are linked with the thriller genre. The more monochrome tones add a more sinister atmosphere. Thriller films have a clear portrait of the main character which gives the audience a first glimpse of the protagonist. The poster doesn’t give much away which entices the audience in to watch. The tag line at the bottom of the poster brings the audience in. The graphics and structure are stylish Pro’s
Con’s The poster doesn’t tell the audience about the film and some viewers may be confused. No reason for translucent words behind title.
Pro’s The poster contains a lot of information so that the viewer is lured into the story The colours really stand out on the page. There is a lot of contrast so that the words leap from the poster The chosen fonts perpetuate the feeling of mystery.
Con’s The image of the main characters face is not easy enough to see. The image of the island is distorted and hard to see. There is no explanation for the match or to why the eyes are blue and nothing else is The tagline is hard to see.
Colour Rough
Final Poster
Analysis I am happy with my final poster, I feel it looks slick and professional. The font is crisp and clear and the title and photo give insight into what the film is about. I like the random blue eye amongst the greys and blacks which fit the thriller genre. However the small print could have been a bit smaller. Also the man has a dull expression and doesn’t look menacing enough. I am not a great artist so I feel a little let down by my sketches but they do reflect my original roughs.