VMCAS VMCAS: The Application Process
What is VMCAS? Veterinary Medical College Application Service It is the central application used by majority of the U.S. Veterinary Schools Veterinary Schools that do NOT use VMCAS are: Tufts Texas A &M Tuskegee
What is VMCAS? Consists of: ▫Applicant Information ▫Academic History ▫Additional Information ▫Evaluators (eLORs) ▫Explanation Statement ▫College Designations/Fees
VMCAS – Applicant Information ▫Address Information ▫ Personal Data ▫Background Information ▫Personal Statement ▫Parent/Guardian Information
Personal Statement ▫Start this ASAP ▫Be creative ▫State who you are as an applicant ▫Don’t just say, “I love animals!” ▫Don’t restate veterinary and animal experiences ▫Get everyone to read it! ▫Avoid grammatical mistakes at all cost
VMCAS – Academic History ▫High School ▫Institutions Attended ▫Coursework ▫Test (GRE)
VMCAS – Additional Information Experiences: ▫Veterinary ▫Animal ▫Employment ▫Honors/Awards ▫Community Activities (i.e. clubs)
VMCAS - Evaluators/ eLORs (Electronic Letters of Recommendation) ▫Need a minimum of three ▫Each school has different requirements on the number of veterinary, academic, and other recommendations required ▫Make sure to contact your evaluators in advanced! ▫Make sure to check the status/progress of your recommendations. ▫Remember to be professional and polite
VMCAS - Explanation Statement ▫Is there anything else you would like the admissions committee to know about yourself ? (Information that wasn’t addressed in your VMCAS, supplemental application, or personal statement)
VMCAS - College Designations/Fees It is recommended you apply to FOUR schools (including your in-state school) VMCAS + Supplemental App. Fees
College Designations/Fees
When to apply Start EARLY!!! VMCAS will open in early June
Other Application Materials Transcripts (sent through HokieSpa) GRE Score Supplemental Applications/Fees (if applicable) * Note that each school will have its own requirements and deadlines for additional materials. For more information visit: Advisors/Veterinary-Medical-College-Application- Service.aspx