LET’S TALK ABOUT WATER! G What do you know about water? G What does water do for us? G When you turn on the water faucet, where does the water come from? G What do you know about water? G What does water do for us? G When you turn on the water faucet, where does the water come from?
WATER IS IMPORTANT FOR ALL LIVING THINGS G Water has qualities that make it special. G Without water humans could not live. G All living things need water. G Water has qualities that make it special. G Without water humans could not live. G All living things need water.
No new water is ever created! G The water you are drinking today is millions of years old. Maybe a dinosaur drank the very same water you are drinking today. Perhaps the glass of water you had was once part of a glacier in the Ice Age. It could have been rain in a tropical forest or been the water the Incas and Mayas mixed with cacao beans to make create chocolate! What else could your water have been?
Water moves in a cycle. Let’s talk about what we see.
How are clouds formed? G The heat from the sun warms water in the ocean, lakes, and rivers. The water becomes water vapor and rises in the air. This process is called EVAPORATION. What is the root word of evaporation? How do you say this word in Spanish? Draw the process!
Why are clouds formed? G When the water vapor rises due to evaporation, the vapor becomes cool and turns to water again. The water forms clouds. G This is called CONDENSATION. G What is the root word? G What does the word mean?
AFTER THE RAIN… G Rain falls towards the ground. G It lands in lakes, rivers, and oceans. G Some lands on the ground. G This process is called PRECIPITATION. G Let’s examine the word… G Rain falls towards the ground. G It lands in lakes, rivers, and oceans. G Some lands on the ground. G This process is called PRECIPITATION. G Let’s examine the word…
G PRECIPITATION - THE WORD! Does the word have a prefix? Does the word have a suffix? What is the root word? Work with a partner to investigate the etymology of this word? WHAT DOES THE WORD MEAN?
Some water does not come down as rain. G What are some other ways water may fall from clouds?
The water cycle never stops. G There is a reason why scientists use the word “cycle” to describe the flow of water on earth. Why do you think this word is used?
From the oceans to you! You may wonder how water is able to reach your home? How does the water get from the clouds, or from the rivers to our faucets? Discuss your ideas with your neighbor in a quiet voice. You may wonder how water is able to reach your home? How does the water get from the clouds, or from the rivers to our faucets? Discuss your ideas with your neighbor in a quiet voice.
Water in Our Home and School
Where can I find out more about the Water Cycle? G Click on the Links below to start your research. G Kidzone Water Cycle G G Zoom School G G Click on the Links below to start your research. G Kidzone Water Cycle G G Zoom School G