Notes With In-Text Citations BY:SILVANA GIOVANNONE
How do humorous authors hook and hold readers? Dianne Sweeney (Kissing Frogs in Cyberspace)-is a great way to read about online dating and how there are many encounters with that today. They do so by trying to relate the character in 3 different ways. “1.the character’s conflict with the reality around him; “1.the character’s conflict with the reality around him; 2.the character’s conflict with himself; 2.the character’s conflict with himself; 3.and the character’s conflict with other characters.” 3.and the character’s conflict with other characters.”
How do humorous writers persuade their readers? -Different authors come about this in different ways. -Lauren Myracle used a AIM lookout in the novel TTYL, which was very catchy. Myracle does the book in IM slang and it all goes together so well. Myracle is very persuasive throughout all of her novels and they all have a different concept and idea that are really catchy to a reader. In “Kissing Kate” this is shown very valid as she shows how the way two bestfriends were got turned completely around after a big incident. She has different type of dialogues and is a interesting author.
What is the relationship between humor and the truth? This is usually done by a author taking a real life incident and spicing it up by adding comical relief and throwing in the little thing’s that are funny in there. Myracle does a fantastic job of this in her novels. She has a great way of making the little things go a long way in her pieces of literatures. In TTYL just the factor of her doing that all in IM format with IM slang helps too create humor while reading the novel. Theres also the novels that are directly not related too the truth shown very valid by Douglas Adams, “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy”
What literary element's are shown throughout humorous novels? Puns are generally one way too throw in humor throughout a novel. Theme, characterization, Irony ( sarcasm), Point of view and also symbolism. Many of these types of literary elements help too come about a good piece of writing and when the right things are put together you can come about a very comical novel. Though to much of something can affect the novel that has to be avoided. For example I believe that Myracle displaying a assortment of novels with the same idea threw off the TTYL because one is enough there isn’t any reason to doo a whole series on it.
How could too much humor effect a novel? By having too much humor you can get off track and throw off the whole general idea. Too much can start to annoy the reader. Humor is one of the most difficult things too add and also must be handled wisely with care. Timing is an important factor in a piece of writing. Funnier scenes should be set apart from the novels more serious events going on in the novel. This should help too build up too the funnier scenes when having it lead into it all.
How does humor differ from something that's just purely comical? Although they are very similar, I believe that comedy is a different tense than humor. Comedy is a humorous art form. Humor is a cause of laughter. In many novels they try too put a real life situation in there and by them adding something like someone tripping over a banana that is adding a sort of comedy.
In a few words how would humor novels be expressed? I believe humor is expressed in many different ways. Different authors can give different feedback giving different understandings of this. In the novel ‘To Kill A Mockingbird’’ by Harper Lee is shown very differently then in TTYL. I believe that Lee shows humor in different ways. One instance that I saw to be funny was when Jem and Scout first met Dill, and how Jem made a little comical remark. But in TTYL, Myracle comes about comic remarks different and there is a whole different understanding of humor amongst both..
How should a humor novel affect you after reading one? A effect that it could have is that it could be something that is made mere evident too you, and something that could be made more clear. Another effect it could have is a negative effect and something that could have been taken personally which is what most want too avoid and that is not something you want too risk doing. It could have a good effect on the contrary. This could give you a good feeling and positive feedback about something.
CITATION -"Secret of writing humor." Secret of writing humor. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Feb "TTYL." TTYL. N.p., n.d. Web. 3 Feb "writing humor novels." writing humor novels. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar "10 favorite novels." 10 favorite novels. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Mar