Pulling Your Weight! BY: Matthew Austin Martin Binhammer Garret Welch Trevor Willis
Introduction The goal of this project was to construct a device using ideas learned in EF 151 this year to lift a one kilogram weight for a length of one meter as close to ten seconds as possible. The materials: a drill, two mousetraps, pieces of wood, a genetics text book, cardboard, nails, duct tape, and marbles.
Overview of Design The device begins with a marble falling down a ramp, hitting a lever, and releasing another marble. The second marble sets off the mousetrap pulling away the support holding the book up. The book falls on drill trigger pulling up the weight. The Drill is turned off when a carabineer sets off the second mousetrap cutting the circuit from the drill to the battery. Task complete!
Conservation of Stored Energy Marble – Gravitational potential energy before released later turned into kinetic energy. Spring in both mousetraps- Stored potential due to tension in the spring. Drill- Electric potential energy in the batteries and motor. Book- Gravitational potential energy before support is pulled later turned into kinetic energy.
Construction Issues/Conclusion A major issue was how to stop the drill once the weight went one meter in ten seconds. Another issue was getting the book to fall correctly on the trigger which would start the drill. 10 hours of work was put in on this project. Materials cost $19