Andrew Ranck, Director DDRS Initiatives Division of Disability and Rehabilitative Services
DD VISION 20/10 Derived from the input of the Visioning Session, DDRS has developed the overarching VISION, MISSION, and GUIDING PRINCIPLES which will drive our efforts to transform the delivery of services for the individuals we serve.
DD VISION 20/10 The Vision: Lifespan Empowerment A life long commitment and meaningful investment across the systems of care for the individuals we serve Birth Early Childhood School Years Adulthood
DD VISION 20/10 The Mission: Facilitating effective partnerships which enhance the quality of life for the people we serve in the communities and pursuits of their choice
DD VISION 20/10 The Guiding Principles: Self Advocacy – Self Direction Quality Integration – Quality Outcomes Work First – Meaningful Day Dignified Risk – Risk Management
DDRS PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Continue shifting from State Plan Services to Waivers Complete closure of Fort Wayne SDC Reinvest by adding Waiver recipients Crisis Management OASIS Implementation Single Case Management provider
OASIS GOAL Create a uniform funding model to determine fair and equitable levels of State support based on an objective assessment and driven by the principles of Person Centered Planning and measurable Individualized Support Plan outcomes
The OASIS Initiative The Objective Assessment System for Individual Supports The Objective Assessment is the Inventory for Client and Agency Planning (ICAP) DDRS has contracted with Arbitre Consulting Inc. to complete the ICAP
The OASIS Initiative The System for Individual Supports is a resource allocation model and individual budget planning tool DDRS has contracted with Davis Deshaies LLC to develop the resource allocation model and individual budget planning tool
ICAP Individual-specific criteria Funding Range (Resource Determination Tool) PCP Goals & Expectations Provider Selection ISP Service Planning Team determination of resource allocation Annual Budget (Interactive Budget Tool) Single Billing Portal Review/approval of individual budgets If within range, confirm supports and services If outside of range or change request, verify State Employees (BDDS Central Office) OASIS Individual in Services/Guardian/ IST/IPMG QA: random sample- ongoing review of Plan of Care, LOC, ISP QA: ongoing verification of services and supports DRAFT 4/3/07 DD Eligibility LOC
OASIS Shadowing and Pilot Shadowing of OASIS will occur in BDDS District 4 from July 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 OASIS will be piloted (implemented) in BDDS District 4 from January 1, 2008 through June 30, 2008
OASIS Information OASIS-ICAP Help Lines: (317) OASIS Website: