Testing Landscape: PSSA, Keystone Exams, Project- Based Assessment and Classroom Diagnostic Tools December 9, 2013
2 Grades 3 – 8 Mathematics and Reading Only items that are aligned to both the Pennsylvania Core Standards and the Pennsylvania Academic Standards will be used on the math and reading assessment. Embedded field test items are aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards Grades Writing field test Aligned to Pennsylvania Core Standards Grades 4 and 8 Science Items aligned to Pennsylvania Academic Standards Grades 5 and 8 Writing Aligned to Pennsylvania Academic Standards PSSA
3 Visit this website: state_assessment_system/20965/ pennsylvania_system_of_school_assessment_(pssa)/ Resources Calendars Accommodations Administration materials Technical reports Cut scores More PSSA
4 Algebra I Aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards Graduation requirement for the class of 2017 Students in 9 th grade in Literature Aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards Graduation requirement for the class of 2017 Students in 9 th grade in Biology Aligned to the Pennsylvania Academic Standards Graduation requirement for the class of 2017 Students in 9 th grade in Keystone Exams
5 End-of-course exams to be administered at or near the end of a Keystone Exam-related course Exceptions 1.A student attempting to test out of a subject (must have achieved a level of advanced on the most recently administered PSSA in the same subject) 2.A student who transferred from another state (and achieved a level of at least proficient on a comparable test) 3.A student testing to meet the state and federal testing requirements 4.A student who is retaking the test Keystone Exams
6 Please ensure that a student’s test booklet is correctly coded. Indicate if the student is taking the Keystone Exam as an end-of-course exam or not “Student is currently enrolled in the Keystone related course for this exam” “Student is not currently enrolled in the Keystone related course for this exam” Remember that the bubble that says, “Student is currently enrolled in the Keystone related course for this exam” does not mean that the student should participate in the Keystone Exam midway through the course Keystone Exams
7 Why is the correct coding of this field so important? “Student is currently enrolled in the Keystone related course for this exam” 40 percent of a school’s School Performance Profile score comes from PVAAS growth. PVAAS growth for the Keystone Exams is calculated using only the results of those students who are taking the Keystone Exam as an end-of-course exam 40 percent of a school’s School Performance Profile score comes from achievement Achievement for the Keystone Exams is calculated using the results of the 11 th grade students’ best score Keystone Exams
8 For students testing online, the Keystone-related course data is maintained in eDirect. All eDirect student records are defaulted to “Yes” for enrollment in a Keystone Exam-related course. If an online tester is not enrolled in a Keystone Exam- related course, school personnel must update the data using the “Edit Student” function in eDirect. On the “Edit Student” dialogue box for a student, choose the Testing Codes tab and click the checkbox to indicate that the student is not currently enrolled in a Keystone Exam-related course but is taking the exam for other purposes Keystone Exams
9 Any questions about before moving on to ? PSSA and Keystone Exams
10 Grades 3 – 8 Mathematics Items aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards Grades 3 – 8 English Language Arts Items aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards Grades 4 and 8 Science Items aligned to the Pennsylvania Academic Standards NO SEPARATE WRITING ASSESSMENT Writing becomes a part of the English Language Arts assessment PSSA
11 Algebra 1 Graduation requirement for class of 2017 Students in 10th grade in Literature Graduation requirement for class of 2017 Students in 10th grade in Biology Graduation requirement for class of 2017 Students in 10th grade in Keystone Exams
12 English Composition Set performance level cut scores Administered as end-of-course exam Subject to funding appropriated by the General Assembly Civics and Government Field Test Administered as end-of-course exam Subject to funding appropriated by the General Assembly Keystone Exams
13 Any questions about before moving on to ? PSSA and Keystone Exams
14 Grades 3 – 8 Mathematics Items aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards Grades 3 – 8 English Language Arts Items aligned to the Pennsylvania Core Standards Grades 4 and 8 Science Items aligned to the Pennsylvania Academic Standards PSSA
15 Algebra 1 Graduation requirement for class of 2017 Students in 11th grade in Literature Graduation requirement for class of 2017 Students in 11th grade in Biology Graduation requirement for class of 2017 Students in 11th grade in Keystone Exams
16 English Composition Graduation requirement for class of 2019 Students in 9 th grade in Subject to funding appropriated by the General Assembly Civics and Government Set performance level cut scores Administered as end-of-course exam Subject to funding appropriated by the General Assembly Keystone Exams
17 Assessment Anchors and Eligible Content Performance Level Descriptors Item Samplers Understanding Depth of Knowledge and Cognitive Complexity NAEP Data Tools – Sample Questions Keystone Exam Resources
18 Keystone Exams Supplemental Instruction Retesting Transcripts Religious Opt Out LEA Graduation Requirements Waivers Update: Chapter 4 Regulations
19 For more information on the Testing Landscape, please visit PDE’s website at The mission of the department is to academically prepare children and adults to succeed as productive citizens. The department seeks to ensure that the technical support, resources and opportunities are in place for all students, whether children or adults, to receive a high quality education.