Clinical Skills and Simulation Technicians – Recognition and development of the role Jane Nicklin Strategic Clinical Skills Advisor Clinical Skills Apprenticeship Pilot Coordinator Oct 2012 – ASPiH Oxford > Special Interest Group (SIG) Technicians and Learning Technologists Dec 2012 – Creation of the Yorkshire and the Humber (Y&H) Technicians Network > LinkedIn Early 2013 – Y&H regional scoping exercise > Report to justify > Clinical Skills and Simulation Technician APPRENTICESHIPS Expression of Interest > funding for regional Apprenticeship pilot sourced from Health Education Yorkshire and the Humber June 2013 – National survey requested by HEE Modernising Scientific Careers MSC team for inclusion in national justification report Ongoing - Collaborative working with Healthcare Science Career Framework 2-4 (inclusion of units relevant to the Technicians role) Oct – Nov 2013 Advertising of new Apprentice role and jobs within Y&H Trusts, promotional video produced by Technicians at Hull Institute of Learning and Simulation Nov 2013 – ASPiH Harrogate A BIGGER AND BETTER TECH ROOM attracting many more Skills and Simulation Technicians as presenters and delegates The journey so far…
Future progress….. Sharing of new Apprenticeship role and framework in Yorkshire and Humber with all of the 13 Local Education and Training Boards (LETBs) as well as Scotland, Wales and Ireland Clear focus on identifying numbers of technicians within ASPiH or that can be reached by ASPiH. Increase in numbers attending ASPiH and involvement with Technicians and Learning Technologists Special Interest Group > National meetings/conferences Collaborate to improve the dissemination of expertise between technicians. Development of professional development pathways for technicians through the Healthcare Science Career Frameworks. Liaise and learn from our SimGHOST colleagues ‘Encourage the role of the Clinical Skills and Simulation Technician to remain high profile locally, regionally, nationally and internationally’