Open House 2013 Mrs. Beard Dual Credit 1301/1302
Fall (1301) Focus on rhetoric Evaluation of a writer/speaker’s use of rhetorical devices/appeals to deliver a message Students will develop their own rhetorical style (argument/expository writing) Students will also be exposed to SAT-style prompts (timed writing) Research project Variety of literature Fiction (short stories, poems, plays) Non-fiction (essays, speeches)
Spring (1302) Literary Analysis Short critical papers Focus on fiction Novels, short stories, poems Reading list is posted on the website Research paper Focus on literary analysis (longer version)
Other items... Grading is 75% summative, 25% formative No retesting Except for in-class (timed) writing, all other writing samples will go through the process of revision Semester exams are required (they will be written) Detailed syllabi (first Monday of each grading period) outline readings, assessments. Revised syllabi will be posted on website and reviewed in class. Check my website (handouts/notes, reminders, etc) Make sure your /contact info in HAC is correct. Tutorials: Tues/Thurs 2:50-3:20 (mornings by appt.) No appointments on Monday/Wednesday.
My goal When students exist in May they are capable of deconstructing an argument. Select elements of rhetoric and discuss how said elements are effective/ineffective Students are able to read and write critically about literature Construct and outline (in essay form) their own arguments Understand various modes of writing (expository, argument, literary analysis) Present a mini lesson over teacher-selected topics...and, have FUN, in the process.