5 V’s Classroom Rules 2013 – 2014
Classroom Rules Be in your seat when the bell rings Follow directions the first time they are given Eyes up front when the teacher is talking Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Be respectful and considerate of others at all times.
Daily Morning Routine Quietly walk into the classroom. Remove coat/jacket - place in cubby Empty backpack or book bag. Take out all completed homework. Have three sharpened pencils ready. Take out books for morning classes Sit quietly and wait for Morning Show
Consequences 1st – Verbal Warning 2nd – Stop and Think Card 3rd – ”Take a Break” Chair - Write a Reflection 4th – Detention – 30 min after school on Monday
REWARDS Stickers Homework Pass “Super Student” Award Card V.I.P. Time (lunch) with Teacher Classroom Games and fun activities
What Can I Do Next? Work on any incomplete assignments Organize your desk/cubby Complete Vocabulary assignments Journaling/Write a short story Independent Reading Brain Quests/Puzzles/Bananagrams