LOGO TECH2144 Defining Communication
TECH 2144 Basics of the Communication Process What is Communication?
TECH 2144 SOME COMMON DEFINITIONS – a variety of meanings Process of transferring messages from one place to another. A link between a knowledgeable teacher and a willing student. Communication in the classroom is the difference between knowing and teaching. The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behavior Defining Communication
TECH 2144 The art and technique of using words effectively to impart information or ideas The field of study concerned with the transmission of information by various means, such as print or broadcasting. Any of various professions involved with the transmission of information, such as advertising, broadcasting, or journalism A system, such as mail, telephone, or television, for sending and receiving messages. A network of routes for sending messages and transporting troops and supplies, e.g., communication lines. Defining Communication
TECH 2144 The textbook authors’ definition: ”...the process by which one person stimulates meaning in the mind of another through verbal and/or nonverbal messages.” A beginning definition…. Defining Communication
TECH 2144 c Three Meaning-Centered Kinds of Communication -Accidental -Communication that is NOT intentional -Shows the bias of the teacher (e.g., disapproval of the students haircut or clothes) -Often not words but nonverbal cues or tone of voice -Not what you say but how you say it. - A facial expression,.e.g., smile or frown Defining Communication
TECH 2144 Three Meaning-Centered Kinds of Communication -Expressive -Communicates an emotion by the source of the communication -anger, displeasure, happiness, anxiety, boredom -Is this bad??? -No, it is human! -The point is that expressing powerful emotions frequently can get in the way of learning. -The point is to be AWARE when you are expressing emotion and think if it is aiding learning or not. Defining Communication
TECH 2144 Three Meaning-Centered Kinds of Communication -Rhetorical -Most common form of communication in the classroom -Believed to be best for promoting learning -Intentionally trying to make a specific meaning in another -We are trying to influence students’ -ways of thinking, -attitudes -behaviors -beliefs -The learning outcomes we desire drive what meaning we strive for. Defining Communication
TECH 2144 Three Meaning-Centered Kinds of Communication Practicum: Some scenarios in class.. Defining Communication